Installing a remote parser - Transaction Finder 3.1

Transaction Finder Plugin Guide 3.1

Applies to
Transaction Finder 3.1
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Transaction Finder

The plugin includes the parsers for use locally. However, you can install the parsers remotely from the plugin server.

Before you begin

  • Download and install the plugin.
  • Close Security Desk and Config Tool.
  • Take note of the administrator username and password on the Security Center server that hosts the Transaction Finder plugin.

What you should know

  • A parser converts the data from your POS system into a format that can be read by Security Center.
  • The remote parsers must not be installed on the plugin server.
  • For a list of supported POS systems, consult the Supported plugins in Security Center.


  1. On a separate computer from the plugin, open the installation package that you downloaded earlier.
  2. Open the Parser folder, right-click setup.exe and select Run as administrator.
  3. Follow the installation instructions.
  4. On the InstallShield Wizard Completed page, click Finish.