Archive transfer status and details - Security Center 5.10

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.10

Applies to
Security Center 5.10
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Security Center

You can monitor and review the status of your archive transfers from the Archive transfer page in the Video task, or view the details of any past transfer using the Archive transfer history task report.

The following information is provided for each transfer group:
Transfer group
Group of cameras or Archivers with the same video transfer settings.
Video transfer type. Either Retrieve from edge, Duplicate archives, or Backup.
How often the video transfer reoccurs, based on the defined schedule.
State of the current transfer. The status can be one of the following:
The transfer is waiting to start.
The transfer will start as soon as a spot opens in the download queue.
The transfer has started. The progression and bit rate are shown.
Some cameras could not be processed successfully, but others are still active.
The transfer was successfully completed.
Transferred data size
Size of the video data that was transferred.
Last transfer start
Date and time the last transfer started.
Last transfer end
Date and time the last transfer finished.
Last transfer status
The status of the last transfer.
Next transfer
Date and time when the next transfer is set to start.
Show transfer details ()
Transfer information about each camera in the transfer group.
Name of the camera.
Destination of the transfer (an Archiver or the Archiver’s backup folder).
State of the transfer.
Transferred data size
Size of the video data that was transferred.
Last transfer start
Date and time the last transfer started.
Last transfer end
Date and time the last transfer finished.
Last transfer status
The status of the last transfer.
Result of the last transfer. Can display errors about the transfer, if any occurred.

You can also view the details of any past archive transfer using the Archive transfer history task report. The following information is provided for each transfer group.

Transfer group
Group of cameras or Archivers with the same video transfer settings.
Trigger date
Date and time the selected transfer started.
End transfer time
Date and time the selected transfer finished.
Trigger reason
How the transfer was triggered, either scheduled or manually.
Transfer result
Result of the selected transfer. Double click this column for more details on the result status.