Configuring specific search criteria for each data source - Genetec Citigraf™ 2.0

Genetec Citigraf™ Command User Guide 2.0

Applies to
Genetec Citigraf™ 2.0
Last updated
Content type
Guides > User guides

When the same search criteria (time window and radius) do not apply to all data sources, you can configure specific search criteria for each data source in your system.

Before you begin

What you should know

When an operator opens an Alert details task in Security Desk, the system applies the same search criteria to all data sources by default, based on the time window and the radius set by the operator. This default correlation might not produce the results the user wants. For example, you might be interested in all arrests that occurred during the past six months, within a 3 mile radius, but for LPR reads, you might only be interested in what happened the past 5 minutes within a radius of 1000 feet. If you have different needs for different data sources, you can fine-tune the basic correlation by configuring search criteria specific to each data source for your system.
NOTE: The search criteria you configure for each data source must be independent of the alert scenarios in which they are used.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. From the plugin role list, select the Correlation Service role and click Basic correlation.

  3. For each data source listed on that page, enable one or both of the search criteria, Time window and Radius, and set their appropriate values for the selected data source.
    Tip: One mile = 5,280 feet. One kilometer = 3,281 feet.
  4. Click Apply.