Configuring Genetec Patroller™ offload settings - Genetec Patroller™ 6.6

Genetec Patroller™ Administrator Guide 6.6

Applies to
Genetec Patroller™ 6.6
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Genetec Patroller™

Offloading allows you to transfer reads, hits, and other Genetec Patroller™ data to Security Center or to a local file that can be copied to a USB key.

What you should know

Other than selecting the offload method, you can also select which events from the Genetec Patroller™ are transferred. You can select if you want to include the images and you also determine what happens with the data once the offload is completed.


  1. Open Genetec Patroller™ Config Tool.
  2. Go to Offload.
  3. From the Offload method drop-down list, choose your offload method:
    Does not offload data.
    Local file
    You can configure Genetec Patroller™ to offload data to a file on the in-vehicle computer. After you have offloaded the data, you can then copy the data to a USB key, and transfer it to the Security Center computer. For more information on how to automate the process of transferring ALPR data to a USB device.
    • If you are offloading to Security Center: After you have offloaded the data, you can then copy the data to a USB key, and transfer it to the Security Center computer.
    • If you are using Genetec Patroller™ Standalone: After you have offloaded the data, you can open the Offload.xml file in a supported web browser to view the information or import the XML file into your own reporting tool.
    Live Transfer
    This offload method transfers all data from the Genetec Patroller™ vehicle to Security Center using a wireless connection. For example, you can offload your data at the end of a shift, when you’re in range of the company’s wireless network. You also use this option to offload data to a network drive rather than your local drive on the in-vehicle computer.
    NOTE: Please note the following about Live transfer:
    • This option automatically transfers the offload data into the Offload folder under the ALPR Manager root folder. For more information about the ALPR Manager root folder, see Configuring ALPR Manager roles.
    • If you try to offload without being connected to Security Center, the offload is done on your local in-vehicle computer. You can then transfer the offload data to Security Center with a USB key.
  4. Configure the following settings:
    Local offload drive
    If using Local file as your offload method, specify where on your machine the data should be saved (e.g. C:\ if you want to offload to your C drive).
    Use encryption
    Turn on to encrypt the offloaded data. You’ll also need the Public key (not applicable to Genetec Patroller™ Standalone).
    Public Key
    To encrypt offload data, Genetec Patroller™ needs the public key from the Security Center computer. Do the following:
    1. On the Security Center computer, go to C:\Program Files\Genetec Security Center <your version>, and copy the OffloadPublicKey.xml file to your clipboard.
    2. On the Genetec Patroller™ computer, go to C:\Program Files\Genetec AutoVu X.Y\MobileClient, and paste the OffloadPublicKey.xml in the folder.
    3. In the Public key field, enter the path to the public key you just pasted to the Genetec Patroller™ computer (C:\Program Files\Genetec AutoVu X.Y\MobileClient\OffloadPublicKey.xml).
    Offload events
    This option allows you to choose which data you want to include in an offload. For example, you may only want to offload Hits to use less bandwidth when performing an offload.
    Include all images
    Turn on to offload all images. If this option is turned off, only images associated with a hit will be included in the offloaded data.
    Incremental offload
    By default, Genetec Patroller™ offloads data in increments, or segments. Turn this setting off if you want to offload the full data file each time.
    Data segment size
    Specify the maximum file size of each data segment (MB) when using Incremental offload. Once the offload file reaches the size limit, a new offload file is created and the offload process continues. The default maximum file size is 1 MB.
    Force offload before exit
    Turn on to make Genetec Patroller™ exit commands unavailable. The only way to close the application is to perform an offload.
    NOTE: This option won’t work if you set Offload method and Action after offload to None.
    Action after offload
    Select the exit procedure that occurs after you have performed an offload:
    Return to the application.
    MobileServer, MobileClient, and IO.Services are exited.
    If the PowerManagement.UsePowerManagement option is selected, the OffloadExit setting is automatically set to Shutdown. This option does not work with laptops; choose Exit instead.
    Delete after offload
    Turn on to delete all records of user logins, images, hotlist hits, vehicles, unit states, street blocks, tire images, cameras, and attributes after a successful offload.