You can enroll, encode, and print a badge for a cardholder in Config Tool.
Before you begin
- From the Config Tool home page, open the Cardholder management task.
Select a cardholder, and then click Modify ().
The cardholder window opens. If you are using a web service, then the AEP web service area is filled out automatically.
Click Advanced enrollment.
The Badge preview window opens.
- From the Printer list, select your DTC printer model.
- From the Profile list, select the printer profile you added. For more information, see Adding HID Fargo printer profiles.
Turn on all or some of the following options:
- Print: Print the badge.
- Enroll: Create the credential in the Directory and associate the credential with the cardholder.
- Encode: Create a new credential and write it to the badge.
- Magnetic encode: encode the magstripe on the card.
NOTE: To use the enrollment or encoding features, you must have HID Asure Software and SDK version or higher, as well as the HID Asure ID Exchange license. For more information, see the documentation that came with your HID Fargo printer. - Select a card encoding from the list below the toggle switches.
- From the Template list, select the template you created. For more information, see Creating badge templates.
- If you turned on the Magnetic encode option, click the Magstripe button to create or edit a magstripe template.
- If you only want to print the side of the card with the mag stripe, select Print back side only.
- From the Credential list, select <New credential> to create a new credential for the card.
- Enter values for the Facility code and Card number fields, or leave them blank for automatically-generated values.
Click Start.