Installation distance for Flexreader™ cameras - Flexreader™ 6.1

AutoVu™ Flexreader™ User Guide 6.1

Applies to
Flexreader™ 6.1
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides

To ensure that the IP cameras connected to the Flexreader™ plugin can capture license plate reads from passing vehicles, you must install the cameras at the proper distance from the target area.

The proper distance is determined by the camera's resolution, lens, and the height of the characters on the license plates you want to capture. For best performance, the license plate characters in the image should be 35 pixels high. The system provides acceptable performance with characters between 30 and 60 pixels high.

Some cameras can show the pixel dimensions of a region of the image in their web page's live feed view (as visualized in a web browser). This functionality is useful to help verify that the camera is installed at the proper distance from the target area.

Less than 19 pixels high: Too small About 47 pixels high: Correct About 75 pixels high: Too large

Many video cameras have integrated optical zoom. When this is the case, the distance and the zoom can be adjusted together so that the license plate characters have the proper size in the image.