How the AutoVu™ Free-Flow Data Exporter plugin works with Security Center - AutoVu™ Free-Flow Data Exporter 2.0

AutoVu™ Free-Flow Data Exporter Plugin Guide 2.0

Applies to
AutoVu™ Free-Flow Data Exporter 2.0
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
AutoVu™ Free-Flow Data Exporter

When the AutoVu™ Free-Flow Data Exporter plugin is installed, you can set it up to export the Free-Flow data to a third-party API.

Components of AutoVu™ Free-Flow Data Exporter integration

AutoVu™ Free-Flow Data Exporter plugin
The AutoVu™ Free-Flow Data Exporter plugin is installed on a Security Center server and runs as a plugin role. The plugin role is required to export the Free-Flow parking sessions, violations, and occupancy data to a third-party API.
Third-party API server
The third-party API server hosts the API that receives the exported data. For sample data exports, see Data examples.