Configuring the field of view - SharpV OS 14.3

AutoVu™ SharpV Administrator Guide 14.3

Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You must configure the SharpV field of view every time you adjust the zoom and focus and every time you enable one of the SharpV analytics.


  1. Log on to the Sharp Portal.
  2. From the Configuration menu, select Analytics > ALPR settings.
  3. Click Configure field of view.
    The Field of view window displays the video feeds from the ALPR and Context cameras.
  4. Match the markers.
    Choose two points that are visible in both camera feeds and move the A and B markers so that they are in the identical positions in each camera feed. When the markers are close to the correct position, an orange box appears in the context camera video feed. Fine tune the marker positioning so that the orange box matches the field of view of the ALPR camera.
    • For best results, choose A and B marker locations that are as far apart as possible vertically and horizontally.
    • If either of the video feeds are too dark or too bright to accurately place the markers, you can temporarily adjust the brightness using the sliders located above each video feed. When the calibration is finished, the exposure returns to its default mode.
  5. Click Save.