Resetting a lost password for the SharpOS 14.3 Portal - SharpV OS 14.3

AutoVu™ SharpV Administrator Guide 14.3

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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

If you forget your password to the Sharp Portal, you can reset the password using the I forgot my password button on the Sharp Portal logon screen.

Before you begin

To reset a lost password, you need the yellow Important information sticker that was shipped with the SharpV camera. If you do not have the sticker, you must contact the AutoVu™ Support team.

What you should know

  • As a step in the password reset procedure, you must press the reset button on the SharpV camera. Alternatively, if you do not have physical access to the camera, you are given the option to present a known license plate to the camera.
  • You can use this procedure for SharpV cameras running SharpOS 12.3 SR1 or later.


To reset a lost password for the Sharp Portal:

  1. From the Sharp Portal logon screen, click I forgot my password.
  2. Enter the 32-character unit access code. You can find the unit access code on the yellow sticker that was provided with the SharpV camera.
  3. Click Next.
  4. For added security, and to ensure that the password cannot be reset remotely, you must select one of the following validation methods:
    • Press the reset button: To use this method, you must have physical access to the camera.
    • Read a plate number: To use this method, you are prompted to enter a plate number, and then have the camera read the plate.

To validate by pressing the reset button:

  1. Select Use the reset button and click Next.
    The message Press and hold the Sharp reset button for 2 seconds is displayed.
  2. Press and hold the reset button for 2 seconds.
    The reset button is located behind the rubber plug as indicated in the following image:

    NOTE: If you do not press the reset button within 2 hours, the password recovery operation is canceled.
    The message Reset button pressed. Please wait. is displayed.
  3. When prompted, enter and confirm the new Sharp Portal password.
  4. Click Apply.
    The message The portal password has been changed is displayed.
  5. Log on to the Sharp Portal using your new password.
  6. Store your password safely for future use.

To validate by reading a plate number:

  1. Select Read a plate number.
  2. Enter the number of a license plate that you can use to generate a plate read on the camera.
  3. Click Next.
  4. The message Waiting for the Sharp to read plate ABC123 is displayed.
  5. Use the plate to generate a read on the camera.
    NOTE: If the camera does not read the plate within 2 hours, the password recovery operation is canceled.
  6. When the camera reads the plate, the message Plate number read. Please wait is displayed.
  7. When prompted, enter and confirm the new Sharp Portal password.
    NOTE: SharpOS uses the zxcvbn password strength estimator which allows for simple, rule-free password creation. The algorithm recognizes 30,000 common passwords and disallows passwords that are weak, guessable, or contain words related to Genetec™ products and services.
  8. Click Apply.
    The message The portal password has been changed is displayed.
  9. Log on to the Sharp Portal using your new password.
  10. Store your password safely for future use.