SharpV fixed deployment overview - SharpV OS 14.3

AutoVu™ SharpV Administrator Guide 14.3

Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

There are many tasks involved in deploying a fixed SharpV system. Use this overview as a reference to guide you through the process.

Preparing for the deployment

These are the tasks to perform before you go on site for the deployment. If you can’t complete the tasks on this checklist, contact your Genetec Inc. representative.

Task Description Where to find more information

  • Fill out the AutoVu fixed Deployment Questionnaire.

The questionnaire helps you collect the information required to deploy the system, for example, contact information, site information, and details of the AutoVu™ system to be installed.

  • To obtain a copy of the AutoVu Fixed Parking Deployment Questionnaire, contact your Genetec Inc. AutoVu representative.

  • Read the product-related release notes.

The release notes contain information about the current releases, as well as any known issues or limitations.

  • Security Center Release Notes
  • SharpV Release Notes

  • Assign an IP address to the camera.

The SharpV must have a static IP address if you are adding the camera to the Archiver.

It is recommended that you do this before the camera is mounted.

  • Apply software updates and pre-configure the camera for installation.

For example, configure the context and the server IP address.

It is recommended that you do this before the camera is mounted.

  • Install Security Center.

Security Center should be installed on the server via remote connection before going on site.

  • Configure the ALPR Manager role in Security Center

The ALPR Manager is the role that manages and controls ALPR data from SharpV cameras.

  • Link an Archiver role to the ALPR Manager role in Security Center

The Archiver role stores the ALPR images associated with license plate reads and hits.

  • (Optional) Create and configure permits in Security Center.

A permit is a type of entity that defines a single parking permit holder list.

  • (Optional) Create and configure hotlists.

To use hotlist entities in Security Center, you must create the hotlist, map it to a source text file, and configure it for your enforcement scenario.

  • (Optional) Configure ALPR access control

You can use vehicle license plates as credentials to grant or deny access to a protected area such as a gated parking lot or garage.

  • Confirm that the camera was installed correctly.

The camera should be mounted, powered, and connected to the network before you arrive on site.

  • Contact the electrical contractor.

  • Configure firewall rules to allow incoming camera connections.

  • Get the public IP address of the server for configuration of the cameras.
  • If the camera must communicate with the customer's network over the Internet, ensure that the firewall port forwarding rules are enabled and ensure that the NAT is configured correctly for port 443.

  • To ensure that the SharpV communicates using HTTP Secure (HTTPS), install a certificate for the camera.

SharpV cameras must communicate using TLS encryption (HTTPS) using either the certificate that is auto-generated on the SharpV, a new self-signed certificate, or a signed certificate from your own public-key infrastructure (PKI) or from a Certificate Authority such as VeriSign.

On site tasks

These are the tasks to perform while on site. If you can’t complete the tasks on this checklist, contact the your Genetec Inc. representative.

Task Description Where to find more information

  • Adjust the exposure settings.

For outdoor installations, adjust the context camera exposure to reduce motion blur in the image.

  • (Optional) Configure plate filters.
The system can ignore certain vehicles based on the size of the license plate characters, the angle of the plate, or where the plate appears in the field of view.

  • Add the camera in Security Center.

To receive plate reads in Security Center, you must add the camera to the ALPR Manager. To view the context camera video feed in Security Center, you must add the camera to the Archiver.

  • Test the system.

At the end of the installation test the system to ensure that the hardware is functional, and perform a read report to test performance.

  • Generate ALPR Performance results using the Performance Analyzer Tool.

  • Provide operator training to the end user.

The Security Center User Guide describes Security Desk features and commands, and provides instruction on how to perform tasks, such as live monitoring of events, video playback and instant replay, report generation,alarm management, and visitor management.

  • For AutoVu operator training information, see the Security Center User Guide.