Configuring the SharpV to monitor dual lanes - SharpV | SharpOS 14.2

AutoVu™ SharpV Deployment Guide 14.2

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Guides > User guides
Last updated

If the SharpV camera is installed above two lanes of traffic, the system can generate license plate reads from both lanes.

Before you begin

  • Install the SharpV between the two lanes, for example, on an overpass. If the camera cannot be installed exactly between the two lanes, a certain amount of offset can be accounted for in the following steps.
  • Adjust the focus and zoom of the camera.
    NOTE: When monitoring dual lanes, characters should be from 10 to 40 pixels high. This is smaller than the standard pixel height requirements (25 - 60 pixels). As a result, license plate capture performance might be affected. When using this feature, it is recommended that you test the system's performance.
  • Select a compatible regional context. For the complete list of countries that currently support Dual-lane feature, see Supported dual-lane configurations.

What you should know

IMPORTANT: When the SharpV is configured to monitor dual lanes, the virtual loop, speed estimation, and region of interest features are unavailable.
IMPORTANT: Using the SharpV dual-lane monitoring feature reduces the ALPR performance of the camera. Do not configure the SharpV for dual-lane license plate detection if you are monitoring parking occupancy using AutoVu™ Free-Flow in Security Center.
  • If the SharpV is installed on the side of the road and it is not possible to define the center line in the Sharp Portal, you can still attempt to read two lanes without using the dual-lane feature, but note the following:
    • The plate read does not indicate which lane the vehicle was in.
    • If two license plates are visible, the system only generates one license plate read.
  • In the dual-lane mode, motorcycle plates are not detected.
  • The SharpV can detect vehicles moving in either direction, assuming the vehicles have front and rear license plates.
  • One read strategy analytic (for example, for slow-moving vehicles) applies to both lanes.


  1. Log on to the Sharp Portal.
  2. From the Configuration menu, select Analytics > ALPR settings.
  3. From the Zones menu, select Dual lane.
    NOTE: The Zones menu is only displayed if a compatible regional Context is selected.
  4. Define the center line between the two lanes.
    1. From the Configuration menu, select Cameras > Region.
    2. Enter descriptive Lane names.
      For example: Highway 40 / left lane
      NOTE: To include this information in Security Desk reports, you can add "Lane" as annotation field in Security Center.
    3. Drag the sliders to define the lane separator position.
    4. When you are satisfied with the appearance of the lanes in the video feed window, click Save.
      The system displays the message: Configuration saved successfully.