Filtering plates based on plate tilt for SharpV cameras - SharpV | SharpOS 14.2

AutoVu™ SharpV Deployment Guide 14.2

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Guides > User guides
Last updated

You can configure SharpV cameras to ignore license plates where the angle of the plate is outside a certain range.

What you should know

  • If the SharpV is installed at a high angle, it might detect the lettering on the side of passing vehicles and produce false positive reads. Set the Plate tilt filter to ignore text unless it appears at the correct angle in the image.
  • The SharpV can detect plates with angles up to ±45°.
  • The Plate tilt angle value is included with each read and is visible in the Last reads section of the Camera feeds page.
IMPORTANT: The character height filter, plate tilt filter, and the region of interest work in conjunction to filter plate reads. Consider their combined affect when configuring and troubleshooting the system.


  1. Log on to the Sharp Portal.
  2. From the Configuration menu, click Analytics > Filters.
  3. Adjust the Plate tilt filter as required to capture plates at the required angle.
    In the following example, red text on the side of the van is ignored due to the angle of the text.
  4. Click Save.