Importing and exporting settings in the SharpOS 14.2 Sharp Portal - SharpV | SharpOS 14.2

AutoVu™ SharpV Deployment Guide 14.2

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Guides > User guides
Last updated

You can export SharpV settings for use as diagnostic information if required by the AutoVu™ Support team. You can also use the exported settings file to restore the configuration of the SharpV unit or to copy the configuration to another unit.

What you should know

  • You can only import settings from the same Sharp model, for example, a SharpV can only import settings from another SharpV.
  • You cannot export a configuration from a newer SharpOS version to an older SharpOS version.
  • WARNING: When you import settings to a SharpV, the camera's current configuration is lost with some exceptions, including:
    • Sharp Portal password
    • Network static configuration
    • Certificates
    • Product improvement program registration


To export SharpV settings:

  1. Log on to the Sharp Portal of the SharpV that you want to export settings from.
  2. From the Configuration menu, click General settings > Recovery.
  3. From the Settings section, select one of the following options:
    Export diagnostics
    Exports a .zip file that includes SharpV diagnostics and settings. You can use the .zip file for technical support.
    Export settings
    Exports a .zip file that includes basic settings. You can use this file to import applicable settings to another SharpV unit for quick configuration.
    The system prepares the files and displays the message "Download succeeded".
  4. Save the diagnostics .zip file to a location that is accessible to the browser that is used to view the portal and to the Windows user that will be importing the file. The file is named with the date and time the file was created, for example, Settings-2021-06-16_12_11_48.

To import SharpV settings:

  1. Log on to the Sharp Portal of the SharpV that you want to import settings to.
  2. From the Configuration menu, click General settings > Recovery.
  3. From the Settings section, click Import settings.
  4. Enter the path and filename, or browse to the ZIP file with the SharpV settings you want to import and click Yes, import.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions and import the settings to the camera.