SharpV input and output specifications - SharpV | SharpOS 14.2

AutoVu™ SharpV Deployment Guide 14.2

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Guides > User guides
Last updated

The SharpV includes two inputs and outputs (I/Os). An IP67-rated cable connector plug is provided for the connection.

SharpV I/O connector pinout

I/O cable assembly pin number SharpV pinout
Pin #1 Output 1 +
Pin #2 Common negative for both outputs
Pin #3 Output 2 +
Pin #4 Ground for 24 V power option
Pin #5 Input 1 +
Pin #6 Common negative for both inputs
Pin #7 Input 2 +
Pin #8 1.55 A Max @ 24 V dc +/-10% for 24 V power option

SharpV I/O specifications

Hardware Specification
Number of inputs 2
Input rating 0 V dc - 30 V dc
Guaranteed ON state threshold 5.75 V
Guaranteed OFF state threshold 4.80 V
Overvoltage protection Included
Reverse voltage protection Included
Input type Opto-isolated, DC polarized
Number of outputs 2
Output rating 30 V / 100 mA
On-state voltage Von = <1.0 V @ 2 mA

Von = <2.5 V @ 100 mA

Overcurrent (overload) protection Included
Reverse voltage protection Included
Output type Opto-isolated, dry

I/O cable specifications

Hardware Specification
Cable diameter The I/O cable assembly is compatible with cable diameters from 4 mm (0.16 in) to 8 mm (0.31 in).
NOTE: Two different cable seals are included with the I/O cable assembly. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions to determine which seal to install for the diameter of cable you are using.
Wire gauge The I/O cable assembly can support a maximum wire gauge of 20 AWG. The cable's voltage rating must be suitable for the SharpV I/O specifications and must conform to electrical codes in your region.
Weather rating The cable must be waterproof, UV resistant, and must be rated for outdoor installation in accordance with your region.

Lightning protection

The SharpV I/O cable port includes basic lightning surge protection. For installations in areas that are subject to frequent high-energy lightning surges, it is recommended that you protect the I/O cable using one or more of the following additional protective measures:
  • A shielded cable with the shield grounded at the I/O device.
  • An external lightning protector for I/Os that complies with the normal voltage range of the circuits to which the I/Os are connected.