Upgrading a SharpV to use the LPM protocol - SharpV | SharpOS 14.2

AutoVu™ SharpV Deployment Guide 14.2

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Guides > User guides
Last updated

The License Plate Management (LPM) protocol provides a Sharp camera with a secure and reliable connection to Security Center. When The LPM protocol is enabled on a Sharp camera, the protocol manages the camera’s connection to the ALPR Manager role.

Before you begin

  • Minimum SharpOS version: 12.7
    NOTE: If your SharpV was shipped with SharpOS 12.7 or later and you are manually adding the SharpV to Security Center, you do not need to upgrade it to use the LPM protocol.
  • Minimum Security Center version: 5.8

What you should know

  • After you upgrade your SharpV to 12.7 or later, you can still connect to Security Center using the Active extension: Security Center (Legacy) until you upgrade to the LPM protocol.
  • If the LPM protocol is enabled on the camera, Security Center can only connect to the camera using the LPM protocol.
  • If a camera uses the LPM protocol to connect to Security Center, the Active extension in the Sharp Portal is set to Security Center (LPM protocol).
  • You cannot revert the LPM protocol upgrade.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, click the ALPR task and select Roles and units.
  2. Select the ALPR Manager role from the drop-down list.
  3. Expand the list of cameras under the ALPR Manager and select the SharpV camera.
  4. At the bottom of the screen, click Unit and select Upgrade to LPM protocol .
    The Upgrade to LPM Protocol window opens.

  5. Enter the HTTPS Port of the unit (default = 443).
  6. Click Next.
  7. Enter the Username and Password used to log onto the Sharp Portal and click Next.
  8. Review the settings and click Upgrade.


The Sharp Portal shows that the camera is connected to Security Center. The LPM protocol listening port (default = 10001) is appended to the IP address, indicating that the LPM protocol is managing the connection to Security Center.