Installing a SIM card - SharpV | SharpOS 14.3

AutoVu™ SharpV Installation Guide 14.3

Content type
Guides > Installation guides
Last updated

If your SharpV unit includes the LTE feature, you can install a SIM card for cellular communication. This allows the SharpV unit to be installed in regions where an Ethernet connection is not available.

What you should know

  • A SIM card is not included with the SharpV G3 LTE. You must obtain a SIM card with a static IP address from your cellular provider.
    • The SIM card cannot use a dynamic IP address.
    • The SIM card must be configured by your cellular provider with either a public or a private static IP address.
    • A private static IP address, that is, under IPsec/VPN, requires additional setup on the Security Center server.
    • Private static IP addresses are not currently supported for AMS (AutoVu™ Managed Services) systems.
  • Open the necessary ports for communication with Security Center. For more information, see the Security Center Network Diagram - ALPR .
  • The SharpV unit must have an Ethernet connection in order to configure the new cellular settings.


  1. Remove the rubber plug on the bottom of the camera.
  2. Insert the SIM card.
  3. Replace the rubber plug.
    Inserting a SIM card into the SharpV LTE unit.

After you finish

Configure the custom access point on the Configuration > Cellular page using the APN information from your cellular provider.