The following issues are resolved in SharpV OS 14.3.0.
Issue | Description |
3689031 | To ensure compatibility with Garçon software, the Cuistot service must use HTTP 1.1. |
3483410 | When the virtual loop analytic is enabled, the Sharp unit occasionally restarts. |
3482785 | The Sharp unit generates multiple Empty image token errors. |
3468594 | In the certificate forms in the Sharp Portal, the system allows users to enter IPv4 and IPv6 addresses that are not formatted correctly. |
3468593 | The SharpV unit IPV4 and IPv6 addresses should be automatically populated in SharpV certificate forms. |
3427638 | If network latency is high, it is not possible to connect a Sharp unit to Security Center using the LPM protocol. |
3427569 | When a Sharp unit is configured to send reads to an SFTP server, if the Export context images and Export ALPR images features are turned off, the offloaded reads might still contain image data. |
3392286 | Context images appear darker after upgrading to SharpV OS 14.2.1. |
3374948 | When you record images from the Camera feeds page for debugging purposes, selecting Save all images produces a ZIP file that includes corrupt images. |
3338554 | When you validate images for the SharpV speed estimation calibration, if you edit the endpoints of the yellow line in the display, but you do not enter the speed of the vehicle, saving the calibration saves a speed of 0. |