Updating a Sharp unit from the Sharp Portal - SharpZ3 | SharpOS 13.4

AutoVu™ SharpZ3 Administrator Guide 13.4

Applies to
SharpZ3 | SharpOS 13.4
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides

To benefit from the most recent security improvements, it is recommended to upgrade the unit's SharpOS and platform software from the Sharp Portal.

Before you begin

  • Ensure you are following the correct upgrade path for the Sharp unit. For more information, see Supported SharpOS update paths.
  • If you are updating a SharpZ3 unit, ensure that all of the SharpZ3 cameras are connected to the ALPR module on the base unit.

What you should know

  • IMPORTANT: When the SharpOS is updated, all plate reads that are stored locally on the SharpZ3 are deleted.
  • You can update the Sharp unit's platform package or SharpOS package.
    Platform package
    Updates Windows 10 with the latest security patches.
    SharpOS package
    Updates the SharpOS installed on the Sharp.
    • When the SharpOS is updated, all plate reads that are stored locally on the Sharp unit are deleted.
    • If you need to update both the SharpOS software and the platform software, update the SharpOS first.
    • If Firmware shows the message Out of date, update the SharpOS package.
  • On a SharpZ3 unit that includes a four-camera ALPR module, each set of two cameras is configured in a separate Sharp Portal which is available from a link on the Maintenance page. It is recommended that you update both portals with the same platform and SharpOS packages.


  1. Log on to the Sharp Portal.
  2. Download the update package from GTAP. Save the .gpack file on the local machine you are using to log on to the Sharp Portal.
  3. From the Configuration menu, select Maintenance.
  4. In the Packages section, click the Update button for the SharpOS.
  5. In the Update package dialog box, choose when to run the update.
    • Click Now to run the update immediately.
    • Click Specific date to schedule the update for off-peak hours.
  6. Click Add a package, find the update .gpack file, and then click Open.
  7. Acknowledge the warnings and click Update or click Schedule if you set a specific date for the update.
    IMPORTANT: Whether you configure the update for Now or for a Specific date, the package is transferred to the Sharp unit immediately. Do not close or navigate away from the browser page until the transfer is complete.
    The files are transferred to the Sharp unit and the update process begins.
    NOTE: At certain points in the update process, the progress bar might not move for several minutes. It can take up to 30 minutes to complete the update.

    If the update is successful, the new platform version is displayed and the History displays that the update Succeeded.

After you finish

If you are updating a SharpZ3 system that includes a four-camera ALPR module, each group of two cameras is configured on a separate Sharp Portal. It is recommended that you update both portals at the same time. A link is provided at the top of the Maintenance page to direct you to the second Sharp Portal.