For each SharpZ3 camera, you can
configure a region of interest which restricts plate detection to a specific part of the
field of view.
What you should know
You can use this feature to restrict plate reads to one lane of
traffic. For example, if a SharpZ3 is installed on a bus, this
feature gives the system the ability to monitor bus lane violations while ignoring other
lanes of traffic.
The character height filter, plate tilt filter, and the region
of interest work in conjunction to filter plate reads. Consider their combined effect
when configuring and troubleshooting the system.
Log on to the Sharp Portal.
From the Configuration menu, click .
From the Camera unit menu, select a camera to
The ALPR video feed is displayed.
Click at least 3 points in the video feed to create a polygon. The camera will only
detect license plates within the polygon.
NOTE: If you are not satisfied with the region of interest, click Clear
the region of interest and start again.
Using the bus lane scenario as an example, the following region of interest would
only detect vehicles in the bus lane.
Click Save.
After you finish
Repeat these steps as required for other
cameras in the Camera unit menu.