Configuring the SharpZ3 FTP extension in the SharpOS 13.7 Sharp Portal - SharpZ3 | SharpOS 13.7

AutoVu™ SharpZ3 Administrator Guide 13.7

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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can configure the SharpZ3 to send ALPR data to an FTP server instead of to Genetec Patroller™. ALPR data that is sent to an FTP server can then be processed by third-party applications.

What you should know

  • The connection to the FTP server is made using passive mode. This means that the ports configured on the FTP server for that purpose must all be opened in the firewall and routers located between the Sharp units and the FTP server.
  • You can only configure one extension for the SharpZ3 unit.


  1. Log on to the Sharp Portal.
  2. From the Configuration menu, click Connectivity > Extension.
  3. From the Active extension section, select FTP from the Extension type menu.
  4. Configure the following:
    Enter the server name and location of the FTP server.
    Enter the username for the server.
    Enter the password for the username.
    Content Template
    ALPR data is sent in XML format, using the template shown. You can change certain elements if you choose.
    Export context images
    Export the context image (in JPEG format).
    Export ALPR images
    Export the plate image (in JPEG format).
    Retain data when the connection is lost
    Select this option for plate reads to be saved locally in the SharpZ3 database if the connection with the server is lost. The system attempts to reconnect with the server every 30 seconds. Stored reads are pushed to the server when the connection is reestablished.
    IMPORTANT: If there are any plate reads in the SharpZ3 database, clearing this checkbox and saving the configuration deletes the plate reads.
  5. Click Test connection to verify that the server can be reached and that the credentials are valid.
  6. Click Send sample to send a test plate to verify that the system can connect to the server using these settings.
  7. Click Save.