License plate analytics - SharpZ3 | SharpOS 13.7

AutoVu™ SharpZ3 Administrator Guide 13.7

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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

SharpZ3 OS analyzes images from SharpZ3 cameras and provides analytics for certain characteristics of the license plate.

Character height

You can improve read accuracy by configuring SharpZ3 cameras to capture plate reads only when the plate character size is within the ideal range.

For more information, see Filtering plates based on character height for SharpZ3 cameras.

Plate tilt

You can configure the camera to ignore license plates when the angle of the plate is outside a certain range.
Fixed SharpV cameras
In a fixed camera installation, vehicles generally pass in front of the camera at the same angle. In this case, you can set the plate tilt filter to ignore text appears at a different angle. For example, the lettering on the side of delivery vehicles would generally be at a different angle to the license plate characters.
Mobile SharpZ3 cameras
For parking enforcement vehicles that monitor on-street parking, you can configure the plate tilt feature to exclude vehicles parked in driveways based on the angle of the license plate.

For more information, see Filtering plates based on plate tilt for SharpZ3 cameras.


The camera determines where the license plate is from. Depending on the region, this can be the issuing state, province, or country. For more information on the supported plate origins that are available in the State analytic, see Supported plate origin recognition.

For information on how to enable the State analytic, see Configuring SharpZ3 analytics in the SharpOS 13.7 Sharp Portal.

Vehicle type from plate

For cameras using the Afghanistan, Arabic Peninsula, or Saudi Arabia regional context, this analytic detects symbols on the plate that are associated with a specific vehicle type.

The vehicle type from plate analytic outputs the following results:

  • B
  • -B
  • DUPL
  • L
  • -L
  • M
  • POL
  • PRV
  • SF
  • SH
  • T
  • UN
  • Unknown
Arabic Peninsula or Saudi Arabia
  • Private
  • Transport
  • Taxi
  • Temporary