SharpOS 13.7 Sharp Portal - Exposure page - SharpZ3 | SharpOS 13.7

AutoVu™ SharpZ3 Administrator Guide 13.7

Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

This section lists the settings found in the Exposure page of the Sharp Portal. Use the Exposure page to adjust the exposure of the license plates in the ALPR image.

To navigate to the Exposure page, click Configuration > Cameras > Exposure.

The following information is displayed:

Select ALPR or context camera.


Controls the overall sensitivity of the digital sensor to light.
The system automates the exposure settings according to plate illumination.
Set a custom exposure setting. The exposure time and gain of one sensor are automated. The second sensor uses the same exposure time but its gain is set at a fixed offset with respect to the first sensor.
Gain Offset
Increases or decreases the difference between the exposure levels of the two ALPR cameras in the SharpZ3 camera unit.
Reset to the default exposure settings.


Lighting type
Select a lighting type from the menu:
Auto (Default)
Select this option to have the SharpZ3 automatically adjust the lighting settings (white balance) according to the surroundings.
Fixed (Sun)
Select this option if advised by the AutoVu support team.
Select an exposure type from the menu.
The system automates the exposure settings according to the overall scene illumination.
Fixed (indoor)
Select this option when consistent lighting conditions are available. Use the sliders to adjust the Gain and Exposure time, until the overall brightness and clarity you want for the image is achieved.
Gain (dB)
Amplifies the signal from the camera sensor.
Exposure time (ms)
Controls how long the digital sensor is exposed to light.
Range (outdoor)
Select this option for variable lighting conditions outdoors. Use the sliders to adjust the Gain and Exposure time, until the overall brightness and clarity you want for the image is achieved.
Gain (dB):
Amplifies the signal from the camera sensor.
Exposure time (ms):
Controls how long the digital sensor is exposed to light.
Allow illuminator
Select this to enable the IR illuminator in low light conditions. If Exposure is set to Fixed (indoor), the IR illuminator is fixed to On or Off depending on Allow illuminator checkbox. If Exposure is set to Range (outdoor), the illuminator is automatically turned On or Off depending on light conditions. To completely turn off the illuminator, clear the Allow illuminator checkbox.
Reset to the default exposure settings.