This section lists the settings found in the Logs page of the Sharp Portal. Use the Logs page to run reports and generate logs about the status of the SharpZ3. You can filter by a specific source, message, and so on. Log reports can also be exported to a .zip file by selecting Export settings on the Maintenance page.
To navigate to the Logs page, click .
The following information is displayed:
- Severity
- Click the icons to choose which severity types you want to include in the report query. You can choose from the following:
- Error
- Warning
- Information
- Debug
- Performance
- Source
- Select the source that you want to include in the report query.
- Message
- Enter a message. Only logs containing the message string entered are displayed on the query.
- Time
- Select a time range.
- Pause
- Click to pause the auto-refresh on the query. This is useful when you want to stop new entries from coming in so you can focus on a particular entry. Click Resume to activate the auto-refresh on the query.
- Download all logs in a text file
- Click to download in a text file.NOTE: The filters on this page apply only to the visual report. The log file always contains a full, unfiltered list of events.