SharpOS 13.7 Sharp Portal - Overview page - SharpZ3 | SharpOS 13.7

AutoVu™ SharpZ3 Administrator Guide 13.7

Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

This section lists the settings found in the Overview page of the Sharp Portal and provides general information about the SharpZ3, such as serial number, license, IP address, input and output (relay) status, and so on.

To navigate to the Overview page, click Configuration > Overview.

Camera info

The following information is displayed:

Serial number
Displays the SharpZ3 hardware serial number.
Displays whether the SharpZ3 license is valid, invalid, or missing.
Displays the inputs on the SharpZ3 and whether the input is in a High or Low state. A high-state input is indicative of a voltage of 5.75 V or higher. A low-state input is indicative of a voltage of 4.80 V or lower.
Displays the SharpZ3 relays and whether the relay state is On or Off. The SharpZ3 has two 0.25 A solid-state relays and two 8 A electromechanical relays.
Test relays
Click to toggle your configured output (relay) between On and Off to validate the configuration.
Mac address
Displays the MAC address of the SharpZ3. This information might be requested if you contact technical support.
Displays the type of Sharp unit.
Displays the software image installed on the SharpZ3. If you contact technical support, you might be asked to provide this number.
Displays the SharpZ3 OS version currently installed.
Displays the update status of the Sharp unit.
Provides additional information about the versions of the files and components included in the package.
Displays the SharpZ3 OS version. You can use this information to confirm that your SharpZ3 is up to date.
Select up to two SharpZ3 camera feeds to display.
The following feeds are available:
High-exposure license plate image
Low-exposure license plate image
Color overview image
Displays the resolution and the lens focal range available for cameras connected to the SharpZ3 unit.


The following information is displayed:

IP addresses
Displays the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the SharpZ3.
Displays whether the SharpZ3 is connected to the internet.

Video streams

Video streams
If the SharpZ3 has been added to the Security Center Archiver and is being used to monitor video, then the camera name, client IP address, frame rate, and encoding format are listed for each stream.

Storage and usage

You can view information about reads stored on the SharpZ3, CPU usage, and memory usage. Indicator lines, usually green or orange, are provided so you can see the status. If an indicator line stays red for a prolonged period of time, it indicates either high CPU activity or that there is a problem.

Reads stored
Indicates the reads stored in the database of the SharpZ3. The number of reads is also displayed.
Displays information on the system's RAM memory.
CPU (Total)
Indicates the total CPU usage of the SharpZ3. Click Show details to see the usage for each CPU.

Last activities

Unit rebooted
Indicates the last time that the unit was restarted.
Software restarted
Indicates the last time the PlateReader software was restarted.