Modifying Decorator properties from the Barco CMS task - Barco CMS 4.2

Barco CMS Plugin Guide 4.2

Barco CMS
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

Although Decorators are configured in Config Tool, you can modify their properties for a specific instance of a source from the Barco CMS task in Security Desk.

Before you begin

You must be granted the Modify displays user privileges.

What you should know

Decorators that are modified through the Barco CMS task affect the specific instance of the source.


  1. From the Security Desk home page, open the Barco CMS task.
  2. In the Barco tab, make sure you are in Tree view by moving the slider from List to Tree.
  3. Right-click a source that is shared on a Perspective, and click Decorators.
  4. Select a Decorator from the list in the Decorators window.
  5. Click on the tabs that are available for the selected decorator template and adjust the properties.

  6. Click OK.