Creating arming profiles - BuyTime 3.0

BuyTime Plugin Guide 3.0

Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

You can associate intrusion detection areas to schedules, cardholders, and readers by creating arming profiles. Adding cardholders to a profile enables them to request extensions from associated readers to delay intrusion detection areas from being automatically armed.

Before you begin

Create all the necessary entities to add to the arming profile.

What you should know

To ensure that you do not overwrite existing arming profiles with incomplete profiles, while creating or modifying profiles, only Administrators must create and modify arming profiles. For more information, refer to limitation 1346696.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. In the Plugins task, select the plugin from the entity browser, and click the Arming profiles tab.
  3. In the General configuration section, configure the following settings:
    Enable this option to apply the arming profile to the intrusion detection area. When enabled, a green checkmark is displayed beside the selected profile in the arming profile list.
    Enter a name for the arming profile.
    Enter the duration of the extension. This period begins when a request for an extension is made.
    Limit number of extensions
    Enable this option to configure how many times an extension can be requested. When set to OFF, arming can be postponed an unlimited number of times.
    BuyTime period
    Enter the duration within which an extension can be requested. This period begins when the arming schedule becomes active. When this period ends, and arming was not postponed, the intrusion detection area will be armed automatically.
    Arming type
    Select how the intrusion detection area will be armed after the BuyTime period ends, and no extension request was made (either Master armed or Perimeter armed).
    Allow disarming
    Enable this option to allow an assigned cardholder to temporarily disarm an intrusion detection area by badging at a specified reader.
    Disarm areas when schedule ends
    Enable this option so that the intrusion detection area is automatically disarmed when the arming schedule becomes inactive.
  4. In the Intrusion detection areas section, click Insert an item ().
  5. In the dialog box that opens, select the intrusion detection areas you want the profile to be applied to, and then click OK.
    NOTE: An intrusion detection area can only be associated to one arming profile.
  6. In the Schedules section, click Insert an item ().
  7. In the dialog box that opens, select a schedule, and then click OK.
    NOTE: If you add multiple schedules, the schedules are combined.
    If you create or modify the profile while the schedule is active, the modifications will not be applied until the next time the schedule becomes active.
  8. In the Readers section, click Insert an item ().
  9. In the dialog box that opens, select the readers you want cardholders to be able to postpone arming from by presenting their badges to, and then click OK.
  10. In the Cardholders section, click Insert an item ().
  11. In the dialog box that opens, select cardholders or cardholder groups to allow them to postpone arming, and then click OK.
  12. Click Apply.


The following image is an example of a completed arming profile.

After you finish

  • You can create additional arming profiles by selecting a profile from the arming profiles list, and then clicking Copy the item () to duplicate it.
  • You can create an event-to-action that notifies cardholders when the BuyTime period begins, using the BuyTime period activated (Intrusion detection area).