How the BuyTime plugin works with Security Center - BuyTime 3.0

BuyTime Plugin Guide 3.0

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Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

When a cardholder or user requests an extension to be in an intrusion detection area, the arming schedule of that area is postponed. Using arming profiles created in the BuyTime plugin, you can manage who can make requests for which areas, when they can make requests, and where they can make requests from.

Arming profiles

Each intrusion detection area can be linked to one arming profile, but one arming profile can be used to control multiple intrusion detection areas.

In an arming profile, you must associate the intrusion detection area to three things:
  • An arming schedule, which is comprised of one or more schedules, and of the following:
    BuyTime period
    The window of time the cardholder or user has to request an extension. The BuyTime period begins when the arming schedule becomes active.
    How long the arming schedule is postponed by.
    (Optional) Allow disarming
    When enabled, an assigned cardholder can disarm an armed intrusion detection area by badging at a specified reader. Disarming is temporary, and starts the BuyTime period.
    NOTE: When a cardholder badges to disarm the area, the cardholder name appears in the BuyTime widget.
  • Cardholders that are allowed to request an extension.
  • Readers that the cardholders can request extensions from.

How extensions are requested

Extension requests can be made in two ways.

  • Cardholders can request extensions by presenting their badge to an associated reader.
  • Users can request extensions from the Security Desk Monitoring task.

Extension requests can only be made within the BuyTime period. Presenting a badge to a reader before or after the BuyTime period does not affect the arming schedule.

Extensions requested by presenting a badge

When a cardholder requests an extension, the arming of all intrusion detection areas associated to the same arming profile are postponed.

The conditions for a cardholder to request an extension are as follows:
  • The cardholder must be associated to the intrusion detection area through the arming profile.
  • The arming schedule associated to the intrusion detection area must be in the BuyTime period state.
  • The reader that the cardholder presents his badge to must be associated to the intrusion detection area through the arming profile.
  • The maximum number of extension requests permitted has not been reached.
Tip: You can create an event-to-action that notifies cardholders when the BuyTime period begins, using the BuyTime period activated (Intrusion detection area).

Extensions requested from the Security Desk Monitoring task

When a user requests an extension from the BuyTime widget, only the intrusion detection area in the selected tile is affected. A user can also postpone the arming of multiple intrusion detection areas at once, by multi-selecting the areas in the area view and using the contextual menu.

The conditions for a user to request an extension are as follows:
  • The user must be granted the Postpone arming schedule privilege.
  • The arming schedule associated to the the intrusion detection area must be in the BuyTime period state.
  • The maximum number of extension requests permitted has not been reached.