Supported actions for CCURE 9000 Access Control plugin 3.8.0 - CCURE Access Control 3.8.0

CCURE 9000 Access Control Plugin Guide 3.8.0

CCURE 9000 Access Control
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

You can perform many actions on CCURE 9000 entities from within Security Center.

Actions applied without priority

The CCURE 9000 SDK allows any user to apply a manual action regardless of the user's priority or user level. This means that an operator can apply an action that overrides an action applied by a manager or supervisor; similarly, a Security Center user that has user level 200 can override a manual action applied by a user that has a user level of 300.

CCURE 9000 Access Control plugin role

The following can be performed from the plugin role in Config Tool.

Command Description Required privilege
Manual synchronization Allows the user to initiate a synchronization with the CCURE 9000 system. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/Manual synchronization
Cancel manual actions Allows the user to cancel manual actions. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/Cancel manual actions
Modify alarm recipients Allows the user to change the recipients assigned to the CCURE 9000 alarms reported by Security Center. None


The following actions can be performed on cardholders from Config Tool and Security Desk.

Action Description Required privilege
Area lockout grace Allows the user to give personnel (cardholders) one-time access to locked-out areas. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/ Cardholders/Area lockout grace
Grace Allows the user to clear antipassback information for personnel (cardholders). CCURE 9000/Action privileges/ Cardholders/Grace


The following actions can be performed on CCURE 9000 doors from Config Tool and Security Desk.

Action Description Required privilege
Lock Allows the user to lock doors. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/ Doors/lock/unlock doors
Unlock Allows the user to unlock doors.  
Momentary unlock Allows the user to momentarily unlock doors. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/ Doors/lock/unlock doors
Show locked causes Allows the user to see why a door is locked. None

XFEvents (alarms and events)

The following actions can be performed from Security Center on imported XFEvents, which are exposed as alarm entities or custom events.

Action Description Required privilege
Activate Allows the user to activate alarms. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/ Alarms/Activate
Deactivate Allows the user to deactivate alarms. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/ Alarms/Deactivate
Arm Allows the user to arm alarms. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/ Alarms/Arm
Disarm Allows the user to disarm alarms. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/ Alarms/Disarm
Latch Allows the user to latch alarms. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/ Alarms/Latch
Unlatch Allows the user to unlatch alarms. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/ Alarms/Unlatch
Pulse Allows the user to pulse alarms. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/ Alarms/Pulse
Toggle Allows the user to toggle alarms. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/ Alarms/Toggle
Show active causes Allows the users to see why an event is active. None
Show armed causes Allows the user to see why an alarm is armed. None


The following actions can be performed on inputs from Config Tool and Security Desk.

Action Description Require privilege
Arm Allows the user to arm inputs. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/Inputs/Arm
Disarm Allows the user to disarm inputs. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/ Inputs/Disarm
Show armed causes Allows the user to see why an input is armed. None

Intrusion zones

The following actions can be performed on intrusion areas from Config Tool and Security Desk.

Action Description Require privilege
Arm Allows the user to arm intrusion areas. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/Intrusion areas/Arm
Disarm Allows the user to disarm intrusion areas. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/Intrusion areas/Disarm
Force Allows the user to force arm intrusion areas. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/Intrusion areas/Force


The following actions can be performed on outputs from Config Tool and Security Desk.

Action Description Require privilege
Activate Allows the user to activate outputs. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/Alarms/Activate
Deactivate Allows the user to deactivate outputs. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/Alarms/Deactivate
Pulse Allows the user to activate outputs for a specific time, usually 1 second. CCURE 9000/Action privileges/Alarms/Pulse
Show active causes Allows the user to see why an output is active. None
NOTE: When a pulse event is applied to an output, the following two actions are recorded: activate, and then deactivate.