Configuring the behavior of XFEvents imported from CCURE 9000 - CCURE 3.6

CCURE Access Control Plugin Guide 3.6

C•CURE 9000 Access Control
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

After synchronization, all CCure XFEvents are listed in the plugin role's Alarms and events page. You can choose how these XFEvents are handled in Security Center; including, making them available as entities in the Area view, assigning them to alarm entities and custom events, or silencing them.

What you should know

  • You can assign multiple CCure XFEvents to a single custom event.
  • If the Visible check box is cleared for all XFEvents, in Server Admin, you will see the warning message, "No source entity assigned to Custom Event event". This is expected, and there is no action to take.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. In the Plugins task, select the CCURE plugin role from the entity browser, and then click the Alarms and events tab.
    The XFEvent name column lists the events defined in CCURE 9000, which were imported when the plugin was synchronized.
  3. If the XFEvent name column is empty or events are missing, manually synchronize events.
  4. For each XFEvent, choose how it will be handled in Security Center:
    Tip: To change many events simultaneously: select multiple events using SHIFT+click or CTRL+click, click the Edit event properties (), make your selections in the Properties dialog box, and then click OK.
    When the Visible check box is selected, the CCURE event is shown as an entity in the Area view and in the entity browsers.
    Trigger alarm
    Select the Trigger alarm check box so that when the CCure event occurs, it triggers an alarm in Security Center. This check box is selected by default for CCure events that require acknowledgment. To turn off the alarm notification for a CCure event, clear the check box.
    Raise event
    Select the Raise event check box so that when the CCure event occurs, it triggers a custom event in Security Center. This check box is selected by default for CCure events that do not require acknowledgment. When selected, the CCure event is mapped to a custom event of the same name. To turn off the custom event for a CCure event, clear the check box.
  5. (Optional) If you selected Raise event, you can change the custom event assigned:
    1. Double-click the custom event name.
    2. Choose a different event, then click OK.
      Tip: If you want to revert to the original custom event, right-click the event, and select Reset default custom event.
  6. (Optional) Assign one or more keywords to the CCure events to categorize them and make them easier to find in the CCURE reports.
    1. Right-click a CCure event and click Edit XFEvent properties.
    2. In the Tags field, type a keyword up to 256 characters long, then click Add ().
  7. Click Apply.


Notice under the plugin role, the Events node in the entity browser pane shows all the XFEvents that were made visible.