Troubleshooting: Plugin cannot synchronize from CCURE 9000 - CCURE 3.6

CCURE Access Control Plugin Guide 3.6

C•CURE 9000 Access Control
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

If you see that some CCURE 9000 entities or events are missing in Security Center, or that the synchronization does not occur at all, try to solve the issue by starting a synchronization manually.

Before you begin

Make sure that a connection is established between Security Center and the CCURE 9000 server.

What you should know

Synchronization issues typically occur when the CCURE access control plugin and the CCURE 9000 server run incompatible versions, or when a disconnection occurs while a synchronization is in progress.


  1. Make sure that the plugin and the CCURE 9000 server are compatible.
  2. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  3. Select the CCURE Access Control plugin from the entity browser, and click the Synchronization tab.
  4. Click the Refresh () button under C•CURE 9000 synchronized objects, and verify that the number of entities currently synchronized matches the number of entities (objects) in CCURE 9000.
  5. If the number of entities does not match, or if there is no entity at all being synchronized, click Start synchronization.
    To see the progress of the synchronization, click , next to the synchronization State.
  6. Verify in Synchronization details that the synchronization completed successfully, that is, all entities have been synchronized.
  7. If the problem still persists, restart the plugin role.
  8. Restart the server on which the plugin role is running.