Showing cardholder door-access history in the Monitoring task - CCURE 3.7

CCURE Access Control Plugin Guide 3.7.0

C•CURE 9000 Access Control
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

When monitoring access control events, you can use the door history widget to see the previous doors at which the cardholder presented an access key and was either granted or denied access. By default, the last five doors are shown, but you can configure the plugin to show more or fewer.

Before you begin

What you should know

Tip: The Previous Doors list is used to monitor events in real time. The list does not show all doors a cardholder accessed. When you need to see all doors a cardholder accessed or attempted to access, generate a Cardholder Activities report. See Investigating cardholder events


To show previous door history from an access control event:

  1. From the Security Desk home page, open the Monitoring task or the Maps task, show the event pane, and then double-click a door access event.
    The door and the cardholder open in separate tiles.
  2. Double-click the tile that contains the name of the cardholder.
  3. Click the Previous doors tab.
    A list shows the doors at which the cardholder was granted or denied access.

To show more or fewer doors in the Previous doors list.

  1. From the Security Desk or Config Tool home page, click Options > CCURE 9000, and then change the value in Maximum number of doors.