Silencing incoming CCURE 9000 events in Security Center - CCURE 3.7

CCURE Access Control Plugin Guide 3.7.0

C•CURE 9000 Access Control
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

You can silence incoming CCURE 9000 events in Security Center.

What you should know

  • All CCURE 9000 XFEvents are enabled by default in Security Center. This means that custom events and alarms are triggered when corresponding an XFEvent is triggered in CCURE 9000.
  • To silence an XFEvent, you clear the Trigger alarm and Raise event check boxes.
  • Silenced XFEvent are recorded in the plugin database.
  • A silenced XFEvent is not reported in the CCURE report tasks, but if the XFEvent is related to a Security Center entity, the XFEvent is listed in the related native Security Center reports and tasks, such as the cardholder activities, door activities, and intrusion detection area events tasks.


  1. From the CCURE plugin role, click the Alarms and events tab.
  2. Clear the Raise event check box next to the XFEvents you want to ignore.
  3. Clear the Trigger alarm check box next to the XFEvents you want to ignore.
  4. Click Apply.