Known issues in Cloud Archives - Cloud Archives

Cloud Archives User Guide

Cloud Archives
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

Cloud Archives includes the following known issues.

Issue Description
1867658 Cloud Archiver: When upgrading Security Center and Cloud Archives Tool from 5.x to 5.(x+1), the license file is not transferred to the upgraded Security Center folder.
Workaround: Choose one of the following:

Option 1

  1. Install the new Cloud Archives.
  2. Re-apply the Cloud Archives License file (the same .cal file used in the previous Cloud Archives install) and provide the video encryption password (this must be the same password that the user provided during previous Cloud Archives install).

Option 2

Before running the newer Cloud Archives install, do the following:

  1. Copy Archiver.Plugins.xml and/or AuxiliaryArchiver.Plugins.xml from the previous Security Center program files folder (\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Security Center 5.x) to the current Security Center program files folder (\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Security Center 5.(x+1)).
  2. Copy CloudArchiverPlugin.gconfig from the previous Security Center configuration files folder (\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Security Center 5.x\ConfigurationFiles) to the current Security Center configuration files folder (\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Security Center 5.(x+1)\ConfigurationFiles).

You do not need to re-apply the license file or enter the video encryption password from the previous Cloud Archives install again when choosing option 2.

1867661 Depending on the file size of the archived video, exporting the video might fail due to a timeout error during the download process. This bug typically occurs with high resolution video files that are approximately 60 minutes long.
Workaround: Keep trying to export the archived video until the download process is successful, or make sure the duration of the video does not exceed five minutes.
1867650 If you uninstall Cloud Archives and you have not restarted the Archiver or Auxiliary Archiver role in the Security Center Config Tool, your video files continue to be uploaded to the cloud.
Workaround: After having uninstalled Cloud Archives, manually restart the Archiver or Auxiliary Archiver role.