Information about your Cloud Link Roadrunner™ unit - Cloud Link Roadrunner™ 2.0

Cloud Link Roadrunner™ User Guide 2.0

Cloud Link Roadrunner™
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

The Unit view on the System status page of the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ Portal shows information about the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ unit's hardware and firmware.

Property name Property value
Hostname Hostname of the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ unit. The default hostname is the letters "CLRR" followed by the unit’s MAC address. The MAC address is the first address on the label sticker on the unit. For example, if the label says 0010F32CF482, then the default hostname is CLRR0010F32CF482.
Hardware type Genetec™ Synergis™ appliance.
Product type Cloud Link Roadrunner™
Firmware version The version of Cloud Link Roadrunner™ firmware.
Synergis™ Softwire version The version of Synergis™ Softwire that is bundled in the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ firmware.
Build date The date the firmware was built.
Upgrade date The date the firmware was upgraded to the current version.
RAM The used RAM and the total RAM.
Storage The used storage and the total storage.
Internal temperature The internal temperature of the unit. When the upper or lower temperature thresholds are crossed, this value turns red and a warning is shown in the portal notifications.

For more information see Cloud Link Roadrunner™ specifications.

Runtime environment Installed software framework version.
Discovery port The discovery port used by the Access Manager roles to communicate with the unit.
NOTE: The IP address of the Access Manager must also be known to the unit for any communication to take place between the two.
System uptime Time elapsed since the hardware was last restarted.
Service uptime Time elapsed since the last software restart.
Currently connected Access Manager IP address of the Access Manager that is managing this unit.
List of all Genetec™ devices on this discovery port and subnet List of the IP addresses of all Access Manager roles that have, at one time or another, been connected to this unit.
Offline log count Number of logged events not yet synchronized with the Access Manager (when the unit is offline). Indicates zero when the unit is online.
NOTE: These are generic events reported to the Access Manager. Not to be confused with the unit's own troubleshooting logs.
Number of configured channels Number of communication channels that are configured with interface modules attached. The unit features two types of channels, IP and RS-485.
Serial number The serial number of the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ unit.
Number of peers connected to this unit Number of Cloud Link Roadrunner™ units connected to this unit as peers.