Adding Cloud Link Roadrunner units to a hosted SaaS Access Manager - Cloud Link Roadrunner 2.1.0

Cloud Link Roadrunner™ User Guide 2.1.0

Cloud Link Roadrunner
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

Adding a Cloud Agent-enabled Cloud Link Roadrunner™ unit to your Access Manager activates that unit to make secure connections to a Security Center SaaS edition hosted deployment.

Before you begin


To add a Synergis™ Cloud Link to a hosted SaaS Access Manager:

  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Access control task, and click the Roles and units view.
  2. Click Access control unit ().
  3. In the Creating a unit dialog box, click Unit type and select Synergis™ SaaS.
  4. In the Network endpoint area, enter the hostname or IP address of the unit, then click Validate.
    The system verifies the Cloud Link Roadrunner and displays the MAC address of the unit.
  5. Enter the admin username and password.
  6. Review the Creation summary window, and click Create.
    Config Tool sends the information of the Cloud Link Roadrunner unit to the Access Manager, which forwards it to the SaaS gateway. When the unit is connected to the SaaS gateway, a confirmation message is displayed.
  7. Click Close, and then click Refresh ().
    The newly added access control unit appears under the Access Manager that it was assigned to in the Roles and units view. The default entity name is the hostname of the Cloud Link Roadrunner unit. This unit now only responds to the commands issued by this Access Manager.
    NOTE: SaaS units do not have the Hardware or Properties pages in Config Tool.

To delete a Synergis Cloud Link from a hosted SaaS Access Manager:

  1. In the Roles and units view, select the Cloud Link Roadrunner unit from the entity tree.
  2. Click Delete ().
  3. In the confirmation dialog box that opens, click Delete.