Creating the diagnostic service account for the Cloud Link Roadrunner unit - Cloud Link Roadrunner 2.1.0

Cloud Link Roadrunner™ User Guide 2.1.0

Cloud Link Roadrunner
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

Creating a service account through the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ Portal allows you to give basic diagnostic and troubleshooting access to someone who does not have administrator privileges.

What you should know

The username and default password for the diagnostic service account are both service. You can change the default password immediately after enabling the account or be forced to change it the first time you log on using the account.


  1. Log on to the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ unit as administrator.
  2. Click Configuration > Users.
  3. Click Enable diagnostic service account.
    A dialog box opens, confirming that the service account was enabled.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click the service tab, and then change the default password to a strong password.
    Users page in the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ Portal showing a strong password entered for the service user.
  6. Click Save.