Enabling secure pairing on OSDP readers in Cloud Link Roadrunner 2.1 - Cloud Link Roadrunner 2.1.0

Cloud Link Roadrunner™ User Guide 2.1.0

Cloud Link Roadrunner
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

By default, OSDP readers are enrolled in an unencrypted state. Enabling secure pairing increases access point security.


  1. Log on to the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ unit.
  2. Click Configuration > Hardware.
  3. From the hardware tree, select the OSDP reader and click Edit ().
  4. From the Connection settings list, select Encrypted.
  5. From the Key list, select one of the following:
    Random key
    Generates a random 128-bit (32 hexadecimal characters) key.
    Default key
    Uses the unit's default key. This choice is less secure.
    Specific key
    This choice lets you specify your own 128-bit (32 hexadecimal characters) key.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Configuration > Advanced OSDP.
  8. Find the row with the configured port, reader, and associated door, and click Start pairing.
    This exchanges the keys, and the reader come back online. The reader is now secure. Any reader that rejects the key stays offline.