Creating a channel to configure OSDP readers in the Cloud Link Roadrunner Portal - Cloud Link Roadrunner 3.1.0

Cloud Link Roadrunner™ User Guide 3.1.0

Cloud Link Roadrunner
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

OSDP readers must have their RS-485 bit rate and address configured before they can be used. You can configure your readers directly from the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ Portal by creating an OSDP channel with Programming mode enabled.


  1. Log on to the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ unit.
  2. Click Configuration > Hardware.
  3. At the top of the Hardware column, click Add ().
  4. In the Add hardware dialog box, select OSDP as the Hardware type.
  5. Select a Channel.
  6. From the Bits per second list, select the bit rate you want to configure for your device.
    NOTE: Select Other from the list to enter a custom bit rate.
  7. Under Interface module type, click Add.
    Add hardware dialog box showing OSDP configuration in the Cloud Link Roadrunner Portal.
  8. Click Save.
    The channel and interface are created.
  9. From the hardware tree, select the OSDP channel you created and click Edit ().
  10. Select the Programming mode checkbox.
    If you have a configuration card, you can use it instead of Programming mode. See the documentation that came with your card.
    Dialog box for editing an OSDP channel in the Cloud Link Roadrunner Portal.
  11. Click Save.

After you finish

Configure the OSDP readers.