Configuring Genetec Mission Control™ Incidents for CCURE 9000 Access Control - This guide provides recommended best practices for working with Genetec Mission Control™ incidents in conjunction with CCURE 9000 Access Control plugin.

Mission Control
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Best practices
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Configuring CCURE 9000 Access Control events in the Administration Station

As all event activities are recorded in Genetec Mission Control™, you need to configure events in the CCURE 9000 Access Control Administration Station to avoid duplication of data.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have access to the CCURE 9000 Access Control Administration Station.


  1. Open the CCURE 9000 Access Control Administration Station.
  2. Open an existing event that needs to be configured.
  3. Click the Acknowledgement tab.

  4. Select the Send state changes to Journal checkbox.
  5. (Optional) Select Send state changes to Monitoring Station if you want to record events in the CCURE 9000 Monitoring client.
    Best Practice: In the General view of the event configuration, set the Min activation time to the desired amount of time the event should stay active on the Administration Station monitoring screen.
  6. Click Save and Close.

After you finish

Configure incidents using native Security Center events or custom events.

Configuration options for Mission Control incidents

Incident configuration option: using Security Center events

Leverage Genetec Mission Control™ features to ensure that operators monitor incidents only in Mission Control including the ones coming from the CCURE 9000 Access Control plugin.

You can use Mission Control features to monitor incidents from the CCURE plugin by using Security Center events as incident triggers. Native Security Center events are the optimal option for Mission Control incident triggers as they enable receiving native door events from CCURE doors that have been synchronized with the plugin. Other advantages include the following:
  • Simplified configuration.
  • Using the entity hierarchy in Security Center.
  • Viewing triggered incidents and associated entities on maps.
  • Reducing the number of entities monitored by operators by removing the custom CCURE XFEvents.
  • Mission Control incidents operate with higher efficiency when integrated with events rather than alarms.

Using events as incident triggers

You can use a single Security Center event in place of multiple alarms as an incident trigger.


  1. From the Incident configuration task, select your incident and open the Triggers tab.
  2. Click Add event ().
    The Event qualifying rule dialog box opens.
  3. Select the event type that is required to trigger the incident.
  4. Click Save.


Incident trigger for a Door forced open event:

Adding entities to maps

You can add entities associated with incident triggers to a map to visualize triggered incidents in the Incident monitoring task.

What you should know

When your incident trigger is based on native Security Center events instead of CCURE custom XFEvents, they are automatically synchronized between the directory and the CCURE server. These entities can be associated with areas or maps as required. Genetec Mission Control™ can display incidents on a map when the source entity or location of the incident is configured on the map using the Map designer task.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Map designer task.
  2. Open an existing map or create a new map. For more information, see Creating maps.
  3. In the Entities section, click Area view () to add map objects.
  4. Add the required entities to your map and click Save.


When incidents are triggered on the configured entities, they are visible on the map in the Incident monitoring task.

NOTE: After configuring the incident trigger with Security Center events and adding the required entities to your map, operators will not see the XFEvent entity in their monitoring tasks.

Configuring and using custom fields in Mission Control

You can use custom fields in incident configuration to provide operators with additional information when responding to incidents.


  1. Create a custom field or configure an existing one. For more information, see Creating custom fields.
  2. Go to the Area view task, select an entity and open the Custom fields tab.
  3. Enter the desired value in the custom field and click Apply.
  4. Go to the Incident configuration task to create an incident and configure its trigger. For more information, see Configuring incident triggers for Mission Control.
  5. In the Automation tab, configure a conditional activity for the incident by using the custom field.


In this example, we will configure a custom field applicable to all door entities and then use it in a conditional activity to trigger an incident.
  1. Create a custom field called Zone Level that assigned to all door entity types.

  2. In the Area view task, select the door entity and enter the Zone Level as 3 in the Custom fields tab and click Apply.

    NOTE: Zone level can be assigned to the selected door or any other entity in your area hierarchy.
  3. In the Incident configuration task, create an incident and in its Triggers tab create a Door forced open event.

  4. Go to the Automation tab to add the conditional activity using the custom field to change the incident type when Zone Level is 3 for the triggered entity. You need to create two additional incidents for this configuration.

The conditional activity then identifies the custom field and triggers the incident accordingly.

Adding support documents with custom information

Apart from custom fields, you can also provide additional information about the incident or its attached entities to operators by adding a support documents to the incident.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Incident configuration task.
  2. In the Document management view, add your support document. For more information, see Adding support documents for Mission Control.
    For the document to appear with incidents in the selected location, configure the Location field accordingly.

Synchronizing CCURE 9000 Access Control entities manually

You can import all compatible entities from the CCURE 9000 Access Control server into Security Center using synchronization.

Before you begin

  • If this is the first time you are using synchronization to import entities, define the alarm recipients and choose a partition for alarms and events. For information about this, see Configuring alarm behavior.
  • Make sure the plugin is connected to the server. For information about this, see Connecting to the CCURE 9000 system.

What you should know

A manual synchronization is required the first time you connect to the CCURE 9000 Access Control. For a description of manual synchronization, see How synchronization works with CCURE 9000 on the TechDoc Hub.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Plugins task.
  2. Select the CCURE 9000 Access Control plugin from the entity browser, and click the Synchronization tab.
  3. Expand the Synchronization options section and click Add partition membership for synchronized entities () under the Entity partitions list.
    The CCURE Synchronization page showing the "Add partition button" tooltip.
    A window with a list of available Security Center partitions opens.
  4. Select a Security Center partition and click OK.

    The Add Partition window in Config Tool with one partition selected.
    All synchronized CCURE 9000 Access Control entities, except XFEvents, will be added to the Security Center partitions that are listed in the Entity partition section. You can assign XFEvents to partitions from the Alarm and events page. For more information, see About partitions.
  5. Expand the Synchronization details section, and then click the Manual synchronization button.

    The Synchronization details section of the CCURE 9000 plugin Synchronization page, with the Manual synchronization button highlighted.
    In the Manual synchronization dialog box, choose the entities you want to synchronize.
    IMPORTANT: For the first synchronization, it is recommended to synchronize one type of entity at a time.

    The CCURE Manual Synchronization window.
    • Turn off the Partitions filter to synchronize all CCURE 9000 Access Control partitions. This is the default setting.
    • Turn on the Partitions filter, and select the specific CCURE 9000 Access Control partitions to synchronize. Warning: If you turn on the filter without selecting a CCURE 9000 Access Control partition, nothing is imported.
    Turn on Events to get all existing XFEvents. All synchronized XFEvents are listed in the Alarms and events page of the CCURE 9000 Access Control plugin role. Note: XFEvents are not added to the Security Center partition that is selected in the synchronization options above.
    Hardware, areas and zones
    • Turn on Hardware, areas and zones to get all existing panels, readers, doors, areas, and zones from the CCURE 9000 Access Control software.
    • Turn on Inputs to get all available inputs on the CCURE 9000 Access Control panels.
    • Turn on Outputs to get all available outputs on the CCURE 9000 Access Control panels.
    • Turn on Personnel to synchronize CCURE 9000 Access Control personnel as Security Center cardholders. Basic personnel data like first and last name is imported. For a full list of imported data, see Synchronized CCURE 9000 cardholder properties.
    • Turn on Disabled to get personnel that are disabled in the system.
    • Turn on Pictures to get the personnel photos. Choose either a full or thumbnail image.
    • Turn on Customer labels to get the custom fields for the personnel.
    • Turn on User defined fields to get the fields created for the personnel.
    To retrieve the CCURE 9000 Access Control event logs after the plugin reconnects to the system, turn on Automatically synchronize when connected, and then specify how many days of logs to retrieve. These events are stored in the plugin database and can be viewed using the report tasks in Security Desk. This includes XFEvents configured for custom events in Security Center. Events that occur during the offline grace period are triggered and stored in the plugin database. For more information on the offline grace period, see Configuring the offline grace period for alarms and events.