Known issues in the DMP intrusion panel extension 4.2.1 - DMP intrusion panel 4.2.1

DMP Intrusion Panel Extension Guide 4.2.1

DMP intrusion panel
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Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

The DMP intrusion panel extension 4.2.1 includes the following known issues.

Issue Found In Release Description
3482501 DMP 4.0 Programming a DMP XR150FC or XR550FC panel with a FIRE keypad stops the integration from working.
Workaround: Use a separate, non-FC panel for intrusion detection.
2526633 DMP 4.1 Switching the Synchronization interval of a DMP intrusion panel from Inherit from extension to Override changes the interval to one minute, no matter what the interval was set to.
2521413 DMP 4.1 When you want to add new cardholders to the DMP intrusion panel, all available cardholders are listed in Security Center, even if some have already been added to the list. If you have hundreds of cardholders, it can be difficult to know which cardholders have already been added.
Workaround: Use cardholder groups instead of adding individual cardholders.
2315583 DMP 4.0 From an intrusion detection unit's User Codes tab, when editing a cardholder's profiles, you can add more than are allowed by the panel. However, Security Center only pushes the number of profiles allowed and starts with the first profile in the list.
2306489 DMP 4.0 In Config Tool, cardholders are imported into the default partition, so users who belong to different partitions are unable to see the imported cardholders in the User codes window of the Intrusion detection task.
2306482 DMP 4.0 The User codes window of the Intrusion detection task shows no indication of whether a cardholder profile is enabled or disabled.
2239264 DMP 4.0 All DMP intrusion detection units have an area named 24H zones. From the Area View task, it is not possible to differentiate which 24H zones area belongs to which unit.
Workaround: Select the area, on its Identity page, in the Relationships box, expand Controlled by to see which unit owns the area. Rename the 24H zones area to include the name of the intrusion detection unit.
2195674 DMP 4.0 If a cardholder fails to be pushed to the panel successfully, users cannot know which cardholder failed nor what caused the failure.
Workaround: To see which cardholders failed to be pushed to a panel, review the DMP logs in Server Admin and the logs in the Windows Event Viewer app.
2159060 DMP 4.0 If an input, output, or area is renamed quickly and multiple times in Security Center, the changes might fail to be made on the panel, and so the name of the intrusion detection unit reverts to the name that is set on the panel.
2120293 DMP 4.0 When a panel is configured to use an event port that is already in use by another application, Security Center stops receiving events from the panel.
Workaround: Set the port to be "Automatically assigned" so that Intrusion Manager always uses a port that is available.