Configuring communications parameters for all DMP intrusion detection units - DMP intrusion panel 4.3.0

DMP Intrusion Panel Extension Guide 4.3.0

DMP intrusion panel
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

You can change the default parameters that apply to all intrusion detection units connected to a particular Intrusion Manager role.

What you should know

If you need to change the parameters of an individual intrusion detection unit, do so on the unit's Properties page.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Intrusion detection task.
  2. Select the Intrusion Manager role and click the Extensions > DMP.
  3. Configure the following options:
    Communication timeout
    The number of seconds the Intrusion Manager waits for the intrusion panel to respond to a request. If the request times out, the most likely reason is a failed connection, so the Intrusion Manager drops and retries the connection. The default value is 30 seconds.
    Keep clock synchronized
    When enabled, this option keeps the clock on the intrusion panel synchronized with the clock on the Security Center server.
    Synchronization interval
    Defines how often, in minutes, Security Center reconnects to the intrusion panel and sets the panel's clock. The default is 60 minutes.
    Trigger alarm events (for intrusion detection areas)
    When set to Always, every new alarm event that occurs for a given panel intrusion area triggers a new alarm event in Security Center. When set to When no active alarm, only the first alarm event is reported for the area, subsequent alarm events are discarded, and a new alarm event can only be reported when the previous alarm is acknowledged.
    Trigger alarm events (for inputs)
    When set to Always, every new alarm event reported by a given input triggers a new alarm event in Security Center. When set to When no active alarm, only the first alarm event is reported, subsequent alarm events are discarded, and a new alarm event is only reported when the previous alarm is acknowledged.
    Trigger input events
    When set to Always, every input alarm event is reported for the related area. When set to When intrusion detection area is armed, input events are only reported if the area is armed.
    Grace period
    Period when offline events from the intrusion panel are treated as live events; they are logged and sent to online users. The default is 5 minutes.
    Alarm grace period
    Period when offline alarm events from the intrusion panel are treated as live events; they are logged and sent to online users. The default is 30 minutes.
    An alarm event is defined as one of the following:
    • Input alarm activated
    • Intrusion detection area alarm activated
    • Intrusion detection area duress
    • Intrusion detection unit tamper
    Persistence grace period
    Period during which offline events from the intrusion panel are logged but not sent to online users (default = 10 days). Offline events outside this period are discarded.
  4. Click Apply.