Configuring properties for DSC PowerSeries intrusion panel intrusion detection units - DSC PowerSeries intrusion panel 4.0

DSC PowerSeries Intrusion Panel Extension Guide 4.0

DSC PowerSeries intrusion panel
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

To receive intrusion events and alarms from the DSC PowerSeries intrusion panel in Security Desk, you need to configure the intrusion detection unit (panel) in Config Tool.

What you should know

In the intrusion detection unit Properties tab, you need to activate the intrusion detection areas to monitor, and map inputs and outputs to intrusion detection areas.

DSC panels are limited to supporting a maximum of eight areas and 64 inputs.


  1. From the home page in Config Tool, open the Intrusion detection task.
  2. Under the Intrusion Manager role in the entity tree, select the intrusion detection unit to configure, and click the Properties tab.
    NOTE: The Serial Port and Master code fields were configured when you created the intrusion detection unit.
  3. (Optional) To synchronize the intrusion panel’s clock with Security Center server, select Automatic clock synchronization.
    NOTE: When you synchronize the clocks, the time is set to the intrusion panel's local time zone.
  4. Click add () in the Inputs pane to add inputs.
    NOTE: The input configuration numbers are found directly on the panel.
  5. Associate inputs to areas by dragging one or more selected inputs and dropping them in the Intrusion areas pane.
    The associated inputs, along with their associations, are displayed in the Selected area's inputs pane.
  6. Change the association of inputs and areas by dragging one or more associations in the Selected area's inputs panel and dropping the selection to the Intrusion areas pane.
    NOTE: If you drag the association to the same area to which it was associated, the association does not change.
  7. Remove associations between inputs and areas by selecting one or more associations in the Selected area's inputs pane, and clicking delete () at the bottom of the Selected area's inputs pane.