Creating the intrusion detection unit for DSC PowerSeries intrusion panel integration - DSC PowerSeries intrusion panel 4.0

DSC PowerSeries Intrusion Panel Extension Guide 4.0

DSC PowerSeries intrusion panel
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

To be able to use an intrusion panel in Security Center, you must create the panel as an intrusion detection unit entity in Config Tool.

Before you begin

Create an Intrusion Manager role to manage the unit.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Intrusion detection task.
  2. Click Intrusion detection unit ().
  3. From the Unit type drop-down list, select the manufacturer.
  4. From the Serial port drop-down list, select the COM port used to connect the panel to Security Center.
  5. Enter the Master code used to authenticate the commands sent to the panel.
  6. Select Enroll disconnected unit to enroll the DSC unit even if it is not physically connected yet.
  7. From the Partition drop-down list, select the partition to which the intrusion monitoring applies.
  8. Click Add.


The intrusion detection unit is displayed under the Intrusion Manager role in the entity browser.