About the pages in the Evacuation Assistant portal - Evacuation Assistant 1.4.0

Evacuation Assistant Guide 1.4.0

Evacuation Assistant
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

Each page of the Evacuation Assistant portal displays different information about the evacuations.

- List of evacuations

This page displays a list of active evacuations. Child areas are displayed under the parent area that is being evacuated. The number of people still in the area is listed for each area.
NOTE: Like in the Security Desk People counting task, the number displayed beside the parent area indicates the combined number of people in the parent area and in its child areas.

You can filter the evacuations list by name using the search bar.

- List of evacuees

This page displays a list of all evacuees, the area they last badged into, and their status.
Tip: To see a cardholder's last activity, which specifies the area they last badged into and when, tap the cardholder in the list.
You can do the following from this page:
  • Filter by name using the search bar.
  • Filter by evacuation, mustering area, or by including or excluding essential workers. Tap , and select or clear the checkboxes.
    NOTE: Essential workers are excluded by default.
  • View a cardholder's profile and manually change their status. Tap on a cardholder.
    NOTE: Evacuation Assistant does not support the Image or Entity data types for custom fields. The only supported custom field data types are Text, Numeric, Decimal, Date, Date/time, and Boolean.
  • Add cardholders to the mustering list. Tap .
  • Filter by status. Tap a status above the list to exclude cardholders with that status. The list includes all statuses by default.
NOTE: If a cardholder or visitor is deleted during an ongoing evacuation, you must refresh the Evacuation Assistant portal for an accurate people count.

- Notifications panel

This panel displays the details for all new notifications.
NOTE: When an evacuation is stopped, the notifications associated with the evacuation are no longer visible in this panel. To view past notifications, generate an Evacuation Assistant activity trails report.

- User information

This page displays the user currently logged on and the time elapsed since logon.
You can do the following from this page:
  • Log off. Tap Log off.
  • View the version of Evacuation Assistant and legal information, such as the privacy policy and terms of service. Tap .