Configuring evacuations to start automatically - Evacuation Assistant 1.4.0

Evacuation Assistant Guide 1.4.0

Evacuation Assistant
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

You can configure evacuations to start automatically when a specific event is triggered.

What you should know

The following procedure shows you how to configure your system so that when a threat level is activated, a macro is run, which triggers a custom event, and the custom event triggers an evacuation to start. The EvacuationAssistantMacro.cs file included in the plugin installation folder is the macro used for this procedure.

Depending on your setup, you might not need to configure a macro to trigger the custom event, for example, when the custom event is triggered from an external system through another plugin. If you do need to use a macro, you can also use an event-to-action instead of a threat level to run it.

For more information about general Security Center configuration, such as how to create custom events and threat levels, see the Security Center Administrator Guide.


  1. Create area custom events to trigger the start of the evacuation.
  2. Set the custom events as the Start activation action for the area:
    1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Area view task.
    2. From the entity tree, select the area you want to configure, and then click the Evacuation Assistant tab.
    3. In the Evacuation settings section, for the Start activation action, click Set event, and select a custom event from the list.
  3. Create a macro to trigger the custom events when the macro is run:
    1. From the Config Tool home page, open the System task, and click the Macros view.
    2. Click Macro (), and enter a name for the macro.
    3. On the Properties page, click Import from file, navigate to the EvacuationAssistantMacro.cs file included in the plugin installation package.
      By default, the file is found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Security Center Plugins\Evacuation Assistant\Macro\.
    1. Click Open.
      The contents of the file are displayed on the Properties page of the macro.
    2. Click Apply.
    3. Click the Default execution context tab.
    4. In the EvacuationAreaID field, select the area from which you want to start the evacuation.
    5. In the EventId field, enter the value of the custom event.
      The value is found in the System task. Click General settings > Events.
  4. Create a threat level to run the macro.
    The threat level should have the macro to start the evacuation added to the Activation actions list:


The following is an example configuration:
  • The Building A area is configured with the Start evacuation custom event for the Start activation action.
  • The Start evacuation macro is configured to trigger Start evacuation custom event on Building A.
  • The Fire drill threat level is configured to run the Start evacuation macro when activated.

When the Fire drill threat level is activated, the Start evacuation macro is run, which triggers the Start evacuation custom event, and an evacuation is started from Building A.

After you finish

To stop evacuations automatically, follow the same configuration as above using the Stop evacuation custom event for the Start activation action.