Metadata reference for license plate reads - Genetec Patroller™ | SharpV | SharpZ3 | Security Center

Exporting License Plate Reads in AutoVu™ and Security Center

Applies to
Genetec Patroller™ | SharpV | SharpZ3 | Security Center
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Deployment guides
Genetec Patroller™

For AutoVu™ users who are already familiar with the different scenarios for exporting license plate reads, this section allows you to quickly reference the metadata tags associated with each scenario.

This section includes metadata tags for the following export scenarios:

  • Exporting reads from SharpV using FTP
  • Exporting reads from SharpV using HTTP
  • Exporting reads from Genetec Patroller™ using Hit export
  • License plate read metadata in Security Desk reports
  • Exporting reads from Security Center using XML export
  • Exporting reads from Security Center using AutoVu™ third-party data exporter

Scenario: Exporting reads from SharpV using FTP

FTP template:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <State>#CUSTOM_FIELDS#{State Name}</State>

Additional XML tags:

Confidence score
The Sharp assigns a confidence score percentage to each license plate read. This value indicates how confident the Sharp is in the accuracy of the read. You can add the confidence score associated with the plate read to the XML using the following field:

<ConfidenceScore>#CUSTOM_FIELDS#{Confidence Score}</ConfidenceScore>

If dual-lane monitoring is configured for the Sharp, you can add the lane name associated with the plate read to the XML using the following field:


Relative Motion
When the Sharp reads a plate, it detects and displays if the vehicle is approaching or moving away.
To use this field, add the following line to the XML:

<RelativeMotion>#CUSTOM_FIELDS#{Relative Motion}</RelativeMotion>.

For systems that include a fixed Sharp camera, you can configure the camera to export the vehicle’s estimated speed. You can add the speed of the vehicle associated with the plate read to the XML using the following field:


State Name
The Sharp attempts to read the plate’s origin in addition to the plate number (some plates include the issuing state or province). This may not be possible for all types of license plates.
To use this field, add <State>#CUSTOM_FIELDS#{State Name}</State> to the XML, and then select State on the Analytics page of the Configuration menu in the Sharp Portal.
NOTE: The ALPR context you are using must support the state name feature.
Vehicle Type
Certain license plates include character symbols that identify specific vehicle types (for example, taxi, transport, and so on). If the Sharp can read these symbols, it displays the vehicle type along with the other read and hit information.
To use this field, add the following line to the XML:

<VehicleType>#CUSTOM_FIELDS#{Vehicle Type}</VehicleType>.

Scenario: Exporting reads from SharpV using HTTP

HTTP template: JSON format

{ "ContextCameraName" : "Context Camera",
  "ContextImage" : "",
  "Id" : "32cf870a-46aa-4cfd-914b-00062d98e93a",
  "Latitude" : 0.0,
  "Longitude" : 0.0,
  "LprCameraName" : "Lpr Camera",
  "PlateAnalytics" : [ { "Key" : "State Name",
        "Score" : -1.0,
        "Value" : "-"
      { "Key" : "Vehicle Type",
        "Score" : 1.0,
        "Value" : "-"
      { "Key" : "Relative Motion",
        "Score" : -1.0,
        "Value" : "-"
      { "Key" : "Context",
        "Score" : 1.0,
        "Value" : "US"
      { "Key" : "Characters Height",
        "Score" : 1.0,
        "Value" : "70"
  "PlateImage" : "",
  "PlateRead" : "AA7D2",
  "SourceUrl" : "SHARPV12345",
  "Timestamp" : "2016-08-29T08:42:45.797"

HTTP template: XML format

  <ContextCameraName>Context Camera</ContextCameraName>
  <LprCameraName>Lpr Camera</LprCameraName>
      <Key>State Name</Key>
      <Key>Confidence Score</Key>

Plate read event parameters:

Parameter Value type Description
ContextCameraName String Name of the color context camera that generated the read event.
ContextImage Binary Color context image of the scene. Base64 encoded JPEG image.
Id Guid Unique identifier for the read event.
Latitude Double Decimal latitude of the SharpV camera.
Longitude Double Decimal longitude of the SharpV camera.
LprCameraName String Name of the license plate recognition camera that generated the read event.
PlateAnalytics Array of analytics Each analytic object is composed of a data triplet. This array is of variable size. The amount of analytic objects received depends on the SharpV camera’s configuration.
Key (analytic triplet) String Name of the analytic.
Score (analytic triplet) Float

(-1.0 or 1.0)

Indicates if the analytic value is reliable (1.0) or not (-1.0).
Value (analytic triplet) String Value of the analytic.
PlateImage Binary Black and white cropped license plate image. Base64 encoded JPEG image.
PlateRead String Detected license plate number.
SourceUrl String Unique name of the SharpV camera.
Timestamp DateTime Date and time of the read event (UTC) in the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss:fff.

Scenario: Exporting reads from Genetec Patroller™ using Hit export

The following XML tags are available in HitExportTemplates.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      This file is a sample of the available tags that you can use when creating a 
      template. Do not create a dependency on this file for it is subject to change.
      Instead, you must create a copy of this sample and use it for your own purposes.
      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The following section describe how to exploit the XML export to access
    the read Analytics fields using the generic #Analytics()# token.
    It can be used to access any Analytics field given its name.
  <ConfidenceScore>#Analytics(Confidence Score)#</ConfidenceScore>
    The following section describe how to exploit the XML export to access
    the read Analytics fields using the generic #Analytics()# token.
    It can be used to access any Analytics field given its name.
  <ConfidenceScore>#Analytics(Confidence Score)#</ConfidenceScore>
    The following section describes the supported tags using the new format.


  <TimeStamp>#DATE_LOCAL#{yyyy-MM-dd} #TIME_LOCAL#{HH:mm:ss}</TimeStamp>
  <TimeStampUTC>#DATE_UTC#{yyyy-MM-dd} #TIME_UTC#{HH:mm:ss}</TimeStampUTC>

  <OvertimeTimeStamp>#OVERTIME_DATE_LOCAL#{yyyy-MM-dd} #OVERTIME_TIME_LOCAL#{HH:mm:ss}</OvertimeTimeStamp>
  <OvertimeTimeStampUTC>#OVERTIME_DATE_UTC#{yyyy-MM-dd} #OVERTIME_TIME_UTC#{HH:mm:ss}</OvertimeTimeStampUTC>

    The following section describes the supported tags using the legacy format. 
    It can still be used but they have been deprecated since Patroller 6.2.






Scenario: License plate read metadata in Security Desk reports

The following fields are available as search filters and report columns in Security Desk reports:

Accept reasons
Reason selected by the Genetec Patroller™ user when enforcing a hit. Accept reasons are created and configured in Config Tool.
Location of the ALPR read.
Annotation fields
Any annotation field defined in System > ALPR Settings in the Config Tool. Shown in brackets.
Context image
Wide angle color image of the vehicle that was captured by the context camera.
Custom fields
Predefined custom fields for the entity. The columns only appear if custom fields are defined for the entity and were made visible to you when they were created or last configured.
Device involved on the unit (reader, REX input, IO module, Strike relay, etc.).
Event timestamp
Date and time that the event occurred.
The coordinates of where the ALPR event occurred.
The coordinates of where the ALPR event occurred.
Offload timestamp
The date and time that the patrol vehicle offloaded the reads and hits to Security Center.
Patroller entity
Patroller entity name. The patroller entity name field is not populated for fixed SharpV cameras.
Plate image
The license plate image captured by the ALPR camera.
Plate origin
State that issued the license plate.
Plate read
The license plate read generated by the Sharp unit.
Indicates that the record will not be deleted from the database when the retention period (for this type of record) expires.
Protection expiration
Indicates when protection for the hit expires.
Reject reason
Reason selected by the Genetec Patroller™ user when rejecting a hit.
Hit rule that matched the plate read.
The ALPR unit that read the plate and populated for a patrol vehicle (for example, Patroller - Left, Patroller - Right, etc.), and for a fixed Sharp.
The Genetec Patroller™ user name. Not available at a Security Center Federation™ host for federated Genetec Patroller™ entities.
Wheel image
Image of the vehicle wheels. Used for virtual tire-chalking.

Scenario: Exporting reads from Security Center using XML export

The following XML tags are supported when using the XML export feature:
Supported XML hashtags
The following XML export hashtags are supported. Each hashtag must have an opening and closing XML tag (for example, to use the tag #CONTEXT_IMAGE# you must write <ContextImage>#CONTEXT_IMAGE#</ContextImage> in the XML).
Reason hit was accepted.
Address of the ALPR event.
Generate all Read and Hit attributes.
Name of the camera.
Context image (Base64-encoded JPEG).
Local date of the ALPR event.
Date of the ALPR event in UTC time.
For an overtime hit, this tag indicates the time difference between the two plate reads (displaying the number of days is optional).
FalseExportValue ???
"No"? - not sure about this
For a shared permit hit, this tag generates the content specified in ReadTemplate.xml for the first vehicle seen.
For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute From street from the first plate read.
For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute To street from the first plate read.
Category field of the hotlist that generated the hit.
Unique identifier of the ALPR event.
For MLPI installations, the location of the vehicle inventory.
This tag indicates if the ALPR event is a hit.
Latitude of the ALPR event (in decimal degrees).
Latitude of the ALPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
Latitude of the ALPR event (in decimal degrees).
Latitude of the ALPR event (degrees).
Latitude of the ALPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
Latitude of the ALPR event (minutes).
Latitude of the ALPR event (seconds).
Longitude of the ALPR event (in decimal degrees).
Longitude of the ALPR event (in decimal degrees).
Latitude of the ALPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
Longitude of the ALPR event (degrees).
Longitude of the ALPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
Longitude of the ALPR event (minutes).
Longitude of the ALPR event (seconds).
License plate against which the hit was generated.
For an overtime hit, this tag generates the content specified in ReadTemplate.xml for the first read of a given plate.
Overview image (Base64-encoded JPEG).
Name of the park lot as configured in Security Center.
ID of patrol vehicle.
Name of patrol vehicle.
The ID defined for the Security Center permit.
Name of the permit that generated the ALPR event.
License plate image (Base64-encoded JPEG).
License plate as read by the Sharp.
License plate's issuing state or province, if read.
Reason hit was rejected.
Embed the contents of the ReadTemplate.xml inside another XML template (useful for hits).
Color of the rule associated to the ALPR event.
ID of the rule associated to the ALPR event.
Name of the rule associated to the ALPR event (hotlist, overtime, permit, or permit restriction).
For a shared permit hit, this tag generates the content specified in ReadTemplate.xml for the second vehicle seen.
For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute From street from the second plate read.
For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute To street from the second plate read.
Name of the Sharp that read the plate.
License plate's issuing state or province, if read.
Time of the ALPR event in local time.
Time of the ALPR event in UTC time.
User action related to the ALPR event.
ID of the user.
Name of the user.
Same as #READ#.
Color of the zone associated to the ALPR event.
ID of the zone associated to the ALPR event.
Name of the zone associated to the ALPR event.

Scenario: Exporting reads from Security Center using AutoVu™ third-party data exporter

The following XML tags are supported when using the AutoVu™ third-party data exporter:

Supported hashtags
The following hashtags are supported in the XML and JSON templates.
NOTE: The XML and JSON templates are non-modifiable.
Generate all Read and Hit attributes.
Name of the camera.
Context image (Base64-encoded JPEG).
Local date of the ALPR event.
Local date of the ALPR event.
For an overtime hit, this tag indicates the time difference between the two plate reads (displaying the number of days is optional).
For a shared permit hit, this tag generates the content specified in ReadTemplate.xml for the first vehicle seen.
For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute From street from the first plate read.
For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute To street from the first plate read.
Category field of the hotlist that generated the hit.
Unique identifier of the ALPR event.
For MLPI installations, the location of the vehicle inventory.
This tag indicates if the ALPR event is a hit.
Latitude of the ALPR event (in decimal degrees).
Latitude of the ALPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
Latitude of the ALPR event (in decimal degrees).
Latitude of the ALPR event (degrees).
Latitude of the ALPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
Latitude of the ALPR event (minutes).
Latitude of the ALPR event (seconds).
Longitude of the ALPR event (in decimal degrees).
Longitude of the ALPR event (in decimal degrees).
Latitude of the ALPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
Longitude of the ALPR event (degrees).
Longitude of the ALPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
Longitude of the ALPR event (minutes).
Longitude of the ALPR event (seconds).
License plate against which the hit was generated.
For an overtime hit, this tag generates the content specified in ReadTemplate.xml for the first read of a given plate.
Overview image (Base64-encoded JPEG).
ID of patrol vehicle.
Name of patrol vehicle.
Name of the permit that generated the ALPR event.
License plate image (Base64-encoded JPEG).
License plate as read by the Sharp.
License plate's issuing state or province, if read.
Reason hit was rejected.
Embed the contents of the ReadTemplate.xml inside another XML template (useful for hits).
Color of the rule associated to the ALPR event.
ID of the rule associated to the ALPR event.
Name of the rule associated to the ALPR event (hotlist, overtime, permit, or permit restriction).
For a shared permit hit, this tag generates the content specified in ReadTemplate.xml for the second vehicle seen.
For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute From street from the second plate read.
For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute To street from the second plate read.
Name of the Sharp that read the plate.
License plate's issuing state or province, if read.
Local time.
User action related to the ALPR event.
ID of the user.
Name of the user.
Same as #READ#.