About closed cases in Clearance - Clearance

Genetec Clearance™ User Guide

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Guides > User guides
Last updated

The purpose of closing a case in Genetec Clearance™ is to limit further modifications to a case that is no longer active and preserve it's contents for future reference. Once a case is closed, only users with Manage permissions will be able to modify the case.

    When you close a case, the case inherits the retention policy of the category it is associated with. This can put the case and associated files in danger of being unintentionally deleted. For more information see Setting the retention period for cases and files in Clearance and Creating incident categories in Clearance.
  • When a closed case is reopened, the scheduled deletion is changed back to Never delete if the file is not in the recycle bin.
  • The date of the last modifications to a closed case are noted in the Last modified section.
  • Closing and reopening cases affects the retention period for files. For example, when a closed case is reopened, the scheduled deletion for files associated with that case is changed back to NEVER DELETE if the file is not in the recycle bin.

In a closed case for which you have Manage permissions you can:

  • Subscribe to the case
  • Reopen the case
  • Delete the case
  • View the audit trail of the case
  • Create a summary report of the case
  • Create an eDiscovery receipt of the case
  • Depending on a user's permission level on a file, access, download, and filter through the list of files associated with the case

Adding files to a closed case:

To add files to a closed case, do the following:
  1. Reopen the case
    A closed case, with the Reopen case button highlighted.
  2. Add the required files to the case
  3. Close the case.