Deploying and using the Registry and Video Request modules in Clearance - Clearance

Genetec Clearance™ User Guide

Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

This topic organizes the setup, customization, and operation of the Clearance registry and video request workflow into stages. Use it to make sure you are getting the most out of Clearance.

Step Description Where to find more information
Registry and video request setup
1 Set up the registry:
  • Ensure your organization has an adequate subscription.
  • Learn about the registry and video request workflow.
2 Define policies:
  • Control access level of access to the registry and video request modules.
3 Create and customize video request forms and request IDs:
  • Determine the contents and style of the forms used by your organization.
  • Configure ID templates that are automatically assigned to new requests.
4 Use participant enrollment to collaborate with partner organizations
  • Create participant enrollment forms and, optionally, embed them in your organization's website so that third-parties can self-register and cooperate with investigations.
    • Participants navigate to the website where the form is embedded, complete the form, and then receive a confirmation email. After they validate using the link in the confirmation email, they are notified that their participation has been verified.
Video request workflow
1 Initiate video requests:
  • Search the registry for cameras of interest to your investigations.
  • Create video requests and gain access to relevant video recordings.
  • Invite guests to request video relevant to their investigations.
2 Conclude video requests:
  • Review video requests and decide whether to approve or deny them.
  • Approve video requests that comply with your organization's requirements.
  • Cancel video requests that contain errors, do not conform to your organization's requirements, or are unnecessary.