Installing the Clearance Uploader - Clearance

Genetec Clearance™ User Guide

Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

Before you can use the Genetec Clearance™ Uploader, you must install and configure the application.

Before you begin

The following prerequisites apply when installing the Clearance Uploader application.
  • A user with Windows Admin access might be required for installation, access to the Settings menu items, and auto updates.
  • The Clearance Uploader must be associated with a Clearance account to upload media to that account.
  • You must have an active internet connection.
  • You must create a Clearance Uploader integration if one is not already set up.

What you should know

The program and associated files are installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec\Clearance Uploader.


  1. Download the application install package.
  2. Select the GenetecClearanceUploader installer .exe file and click RUN.
  3. Select the I agree to the License terms and conditions. check box and click Install to begin the installation.
    The Clearance Uploader installation page showing the filepath where the uploader will be located.
  4. Click Finish.
  5. Set up your Clearance Uploader account:
    The Clearance Uploader account setup wizard opens.
    NOTE: The first time that you configure your account the wizard is automatically started.
    1. On the Account Setup wizard welcome screen, click Next.
    2. Select the Clearance account that you want to upload files to. Click Browse and select a Clearance Uploader configuration file. For example, select config.json and then click Open.
    3. Click Next > Complete.
      The Clearance Uploader application is now ready to use.


Watch this video to learn more. Click the Captions icon (CC) to turn on video captions in one of the available languages.

After you finish

You can change the Clearance Uploader settings at any time from the settings section in the Clearance Uploader.
NOTE: If you need to uninstall the Clearance Uploader application, follow the standard Windows uninstall process for programs and features.