Mapping category codes in the Dispatch System Connector plugin - Dispatch System Connector

Genetec Dispatch System Connector Plugin Guide

Dispatch System Connector
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

To ensure your system displays and prioritizes events correctly in Genetec Citigraf™, you must map the category codes used by your partner organizations to your system.

Before you begin

What you should know

CAD call providers use category codes that classify CAD calls by incident type. These category codes must be mapped in your system so that they are displayed correctly in Citigraf.


To import a provider organization's category codes:

  1. From the Plugins task, navigate to the Dispatch System Connector plugin.
  2. Navigate to the Category codes page.
  3. In the Category code mappings section, click Add ().
  4. In the Name field, enter the name of the organization that’s providing CAD calls.
  5. Click Import.
  6. From the file explorer, select the CSV file containing the category codes for the relevant provider organization.
    NOTE: The CSV file should contain four columns consisting of the following:
    • Category code
    • Category code description
    • Category
    • (Optional) Priority
    • If any values are missing from the CSV file, contact the organization that provided it and request an updated copy of the file.
    • You can download a sample category code mapping CSV file from the Downloads section on the TechDoc HUB.
  7. Click Apply.

To manually add category codes:

  1. From the Category codes page, click Add ().
  2. In the Name field, enter the name of the organization that’s providing CAD calls.
  3. In the Mapping section, configure the following:
    Category code
    The code used by the provider organization.
    Category Code Description
    The provider organization's description of the category.
    The corresponding Citigraf category.
    The level of importance associated with the type of incident in question. Typically a range of between 1 - 5 or 1 - 10 is used.
  4. Click Apply.

After you finish

Configure authorities.